Fans are waiting too long for the upcoming expansion of World of Warcraft, Shadowlands, which was originally scheduled for reveal Livestream in early June was delayed after the murder of George Floyd.But at the present , Blizzard has confirmed that fans can watch the Shadowlands Livestream on July 8, through Twitch and YouTube at 11 am, until then, the chief producer John Hight and game director Ion Hazzikostas would mention the longer term development throughout World of Warcraft, who will answer questions from the audience.During the reveal event of Shadowlands, fans can get a release date and details of the new adventure. All races can play as Death Knights, interacting with dead characters and obtain to contribute to the story.Why Is MOMBC the simplest Place to shop for WOW Classic Gold?At Gamer to Gamer, players have full control over their WoW gold costs, unlike the unpredictable WoW token system. Buyers can choose between a spread of trades and offers, while sellers decide what proportion to charge.Communication is another thing that creates MOMBC far better than WoW tokens At Gamer to Gamer, players can talk with buyers -- and vice-versa -- through instant chat if they need any questions or concerns.