Let us dive a tad into the uPVC lock repairs world. Firstly, we should explain what the uPVC door or window are and why they are popular. uPVC (PVCu – you can find another “letters” for the same material) is a polyvinyl chloride the widely blind fabric roll produced synthetic plastic polymer.Of all the advantages, the final decision in favour of plastic is often that you can order uPVC front/back doors and windows tailored to your own project. Almost not limited by any restrictions. Another positive feature is the possibility of implementing a swing or sliding system. The sliding system fits perfectly with the French windows. The uPVC doors in general design do not differ from uPVC windows, as a result, we get a very harmonious solution. This type allows you to fit your sash door or full glass door; thus, they are perfect exit to the terrace, garden, backyard doors and panoramic windows.As any door uPVC door must be maintained properly and regularly. Entrance plastic doors can be equipped with conventional locks - single-locking or multi-locking. Multi-locking has several “bars” deadbolts emerging from the lock body.Bad maintenance, harsh weather, excessive force applied and other factors will hinder the best work of your lock.As the uPVC construction has a connected details operating mechanism lock-handles -hinges – bars, etc, it is preferable to contact a specialist rather than repair lock (I won’t even mention installation of a new one) yourself.So, expert says, if you want a reliable and durable working uPVC doors and windows – contact professionals.In Liverpool L36 and Prescot I work with the skilled and calm guys from Top Locksmith Liverpool. Jot down their number, just in case.