少数异类的求助信和认输和乞求 1,理论依据,公理1,言论可以描述虚假的事实,称为谎言,暴力取胜者的言论代表正确。公理2,对同性有性欲望的人攻击同性一定占先机,必胜。公理3,性欲望是对他人身体的性器官包括气味的追求,不影响性行为,性行为是对自己性别身份的行为要求,男女同性恋都能伪装成异性恋,而且能繁殖。公理4,异性恋者只对异性中的异性恋者有性欲望,同性恋者的性欲望和异性中的异性恋者的性欲望相同,所以同性恋者只对同性中异性恋者有性欲望。公理5,故意伤害别人的人能扩大后代比例,如果多个故意伤害别人的人互相包庇和同情,能对抗报复者,进化优势无穷大。 定理,男同性恋的性欲望是无理由故意伤害,而且男同性恋互相同情和包庇,女同性恋和男同性恋合作繁殖,她们协助和包庇男同性恋,所以男女同性恋可以屠杀灭绝异性恋男性,然后同性恋者占多数。 2,现实的困境,公理,我叫温和前,多数人和当前政府能决定我的生死,我试图被多数类人包容,但我没做到。1,男女同性恋占多数,多数人通过智能手机议论我,传播我的照片,他们说我是想杀人的精神分裂病人,然后导致所有人都陷害和故意伤害我。多数人说我很可怕,但我觉得他们也很可怕,我遇到的每个人都通过歧视我来避免被其他人歧视。同情和帮助我的人很罕见。2,当前政府是想灭绝我的男同性恋掌权,有男同性恋担任的特工来预防底层社会的造反图谋,我在特工面前说我想杀人,结果我被政府暗算,我网购的食品中带有疯牛病牛肉,我被陌生人故意伤害敲伤头部,被恶意传染疾病,感染皮肤寄生虫人体蠕形螨。我有很大概率会说这种话,因为我想得到想杀人的异性恋男性的保护,但男女同性恋要求别人善良,而且他们自己想杀人,他们因此想灭绝我。 3,我有同类,但他们很少了,我的y染色体特殊,我可能会灭绝,我是女体性行为的异性恋男性,我的本能是团结同类和同情我的异类,用战争对抗男同性恋,我的智慧是揣测人心和思考战争规律。我的祖先是东晋名将温峤,曹操功臣温恢,刘邦功臣温疥,我的祖先依靠过某类统治者的庇护。我灭绝以后,没人知道我的性心理,我要在死前写出性心理真相作为历史记录,见下页。 4,军阀议会共和制能保护我的同类,允许任何人自由组建军队,每只军队派出议员,组成议会决策,弱者服从强者。但这个制度被多数人反对。 5,我的哀求。我决定投降认输,接受灭绝,但我向政府乞求一个同类相聚的机会。我的QQ3043605422,我想寻找同类,和他们相濡以沫,度过最后的时光。 6,我的同类可能需要森田疗法的帮助,森田疗法是,不摆脱精神疾病,带着疾病过正常生活。公理,脑损伤和精神分裂等效。定理,试图摆脱无法摆脱的精神疾病会陷入逻辑死循环,然后受更多伤害。实用医学知识,治疗人体蠕形螨的药,外用是十二烷基苯磺酸钠,邻苯二甲基二丁酯,内服是甲硝唑,伊维菌素,有报道说治疗精神分裂的药物氯丙嗪可以治疗疯牛病。 7,异性恋者的性心理遗传不稳定,估计性欲望基因有奇偶律,恋女基因在偶数个包括0时才导致恋女。异性恋男性的y染色体灭绝以后,就不再有异性恋男性。我的父母是男女同性恋,他们养育我又折磨我。我想,如果没有我父亲,我已经死了,我故意敲伤他的头来报复他,我后悔了。 8,我写了女同性恋视角的小说来揭露同性恋社会,简介是,男女同性恋掌权的国家,法律名义上禁止同性恋,但事实上占多数的女同性恋故意把异性恋美女说成是女同,然后强迫美女和自己女女性交。 记录我被多数人歧视时的性心理分析(温和前) 1,公理,当前社会,多数人能被包容,少数异类被歧视,我按照本能做事,但我被多数人歧视并故意伤害到死,这是因为我的性心理与众不同。我灭绝以后,我灭绝的原因,不会被多数人写出来。 2,经历,我的网络言论引起多数人说我是想杀人的异类,并且说我精神分裂,然后他们孤立并任意伤害我,无论我说什么,他们都说是幻觉,无论我做什么,他们都说是可怕。他们认为罪名属实,我无法改变他们的想法,我的同类能包容我,但我的同类接近灭绝。我在特工家庭背景的叶姓舍友面前说我想杀人,然后我被政府暗算,我网购的食品含有疯牛病毒,我的头被陌生人故意敲伤。 3,我的性心理,我的智力是遗传的性心理决定的,我能理解一种男同性恋的性欲望,就是讨好多数人,故意伤害少数异类,我的本能想做少数异类,目的是用来团结同类,并且我不愿意做男同性恋,所以我想对抗男同性恋,我的办法是远离男同性恋,聚集同类,用战争守护地盘。我想依靠想杀人的人来保护我,所以我不歧视想杀人的人,为了互相保护,我自己也要能杀人。我读小学时,13岁,深深暗恋过一个女同桌,姓刘,她的体味无味但极其吸引我,我想用女性身体和女性性交,但我是男性身体,所以我只能拥抱和亲吻美女。 4,多数类人的性心理,可以有两种情况,但前者是现实,1,多数人是男女同性恋,他们的性欲望是虐杀异性恋男性,但他们能通过迫害少数异类来避免互相伤害,他们都要求别人善良,所以他们就用编造他人的恶,制造罪名来故意虐杀别人,我是异性恋男性,我占少数,我被针对但无法对抗。2,多数人是异性恋男女,他们自称是少数异类,但事实上他们是多数人,因为性欲望遗传不稳定,每一代人中都有少数不计后果地虐杀别人的男同性恋,他们通过提前识别并杀死男同性恋来保护自己。性欲望基因有奇偶律,恋女基因在偶数包括0个时才导致恋女,我的y染色体灭绝以后就不再有异性恋男性。 5,对未来的预言,1,我会灭绝并且不能再进化出来。在古代我的同类能生存是因为地理隔离,聚集少数同类形成局部多数,今天是男同性恋掌权,政府禁止我的同类聚集成局部多数。军阀议会共和制能保护我的同类,但被多数人反对,允许任何人自由组建军队,弱者服从强者。2,男女同性恋永远把自己的性欲望说成是无性欲繁殖,但事实上他们永远在虐杀我的同类和我喜欢的美女,而且他们会用谎言来掩盖故意伤害别人的真相,以避免被惩罚,我被男同性恋故意伤害,我需要说出性心理真相来寻求同类的帮助,但因此引来男同性恋的屠杀灭口,我的同类灭绝以后,性心理真相永远被掩盖。多数类异性恋男女不敢说出真相,他们害怕成为少数异类。3,男女同性恋永远在讨好多数人。 6,多数类人不说谎也能合法杀死我,我不理解他们的谎言的作用。我无法理解男女同性恋避免被其他同性恋歧视的方法,所以我只有聚集同类才能生存。 7,破解办法,1,如果我后天改变价值观,选择用自己的智力利用并陷害同类,这样就能避免很多异类男性的攻击。2,杀人魔有感受自身痛苦的欲望,然后他想把痛苦施加于他人,杀人魔被报复时会更快乐。杀人魔不会互相攻击。 8,最痛苦困境,1,男体性行为的人要求少数异类善良,但他们想伤害我时无法阻止,我的言论只能使少数同类帮助我。2,类比,多个女同性恋合作强迫美女和自己女女性交,但又编谎言,说是美女强奸自己,暴力取胜者说谎欺骗受害者的同类,是对受害者的加倍折磨。 记录温和前死前最后的挣扎 1,说明,多数人和政府军决定我的命运,他们想消灭我的同类,我垂死挣扎,本文记录我死前最后的经历和努力,写在博客流传后世。 2,我的挣扎,我走到街头,从过路人中寻找同情我的人,包括女性,我发现只有1/20的人同情我,我和他们说“我是少数异类,我被多数人歧视和故意伤害,他们说我是想杀人的杀人魔,我需要你的帮助和保护,我想团结同类组建军队来保护自己,并且愿意服从当前政府,我发明新制度,允许任何人自由组建军队,弱者服从强者。”他们说“我们不敢帮助你,组建军队会被共党屠杀和灭族。” 3,预知的结局,被多数类人打死在街头上,警察假装看不见。如果我求助于19/20的多数类人,得到的会是落进下石。 4,我受到的伤害和我的坚强,我的头被陌生人故意敲伤,脑损伤,依靠森田疗法坚持,我被政府特工暗算,吃了疯牛病牛肉,被恶意传染了皮肤寄生虫人体蠕形螨,网上看到氯丙嗪治疗疯牛病克雅病有效。 5,多数类人故意伤害我的方式和对应的动机。有两种人用两种不同的方式来故意伤害我,各占一半,总共占比19/20,如下,1,间接方式,这种人不直接暴力攻击我,他们通过支持和帮助故意伤害我的人来消灭我,他们的动机是,“讨好胜利者可以避免被伤害,故意伤害温和前的人是胜利者”。他们的想法能成为现实,因为政府军消灭了这种人的歧视者。2,直接方式,这种人直接用暴力攻击我,他们的动机是,“喜欢利用受害者的善良来伤害受害者,并且他们相信故意伤害别人以后还能享受多数人的善良。”他们的动机能变成现实,因为他们占多数,他们故意伤害别人以后能互相同情和包庇,而且他们能用谎言欺骗受害者的同类。他们都是男女同性恋,他们有性欲望来故意伤害我的同类和我喜欢的美女。 6,总结我受到的折磨,主要是言论上的困境,1,多数人说自己是善良的异性恋,但事实上他们是想杀人的男女同性恋,他们的性欲望都等效为虐杀善良的同性。我能说出真相,但我的同类占少数,被屠杀,失败者的言论无效。2,男女同性恋编造很多通用道理来掩盖故意伤害我的动机,我却无法反驳,例如,他们说他们杀人是消灭敌人,但事实上不反抗的少数异类他们也要虐杀。 7,我想出了反击的方法,如果我模仿男同性恋的性欲望来占先机地消灭男同性恋,是可以被多数人支持的。但我不喜欢这样做。当前政府军是男女同性恋组成的,他们才有枪,我杀人会被政府军杀掉,我只能绝望,接受灭绝。 8,手抄版军阀议会共和制,1,允许任何人自由组建军队,每只军队派议员组成议会决策,弱者服从强者。2,男女同性恋的性欲望都等效为虐杀,他们攻击我的同类占先机必胜,我是少数类异性恋男性,只有模仿男同性恋的性欲望才能生存。3,森田疗法可以缓解脑损伤等精神病,就是不试图摆脱精神疾病,带着疾病过正常生活。4,我QQ3043605422。 为什么我遇到的言论迫害无解(温和前) 1,公理,表面上网络言论自由,但事实上有些话会惹来杀身之祸。 2,被迫害经历,我在网上说自己想杀人,说自己有精神病,结果引起多数人都想杀死我,他们的说法是,“想杀人的男性就是男同性恋,威胁到多数人的生存,应该被消灭,男同性恋没有痛苦,活该被折磨,温和前就是精神分裂,精神分裂病人可以被任意伤害,因为受害者说出来会被说成是被害妄想。如果温和前杀人来报复社会,就坐实了温和前是杀人魔加精神分裂”。 3,真相,我的同类能理解真相,言论上多数人是消灭想杀人的威胁,但事实上他们是恶意地冤枉好人,是用善良借口来故意杀人,这是一种伪善,我自称想杀人是为了和伪善的人区别开来,但这样使我被多数人歧视,我没有精神分裂。 4,无解的原因,1,如果我依靠多数人的力量来保护我,我无法改变多数人的想法,多数类人是男女同性恋,他们的性欲望都等效为虐杀别人,他们不会自相残杀,因为他们都同情伪善的方式来杀人的人,而且他们讨好多数,虐杀少数异类,他们能被当成多数,我被当成少数。2,如果我依靠同情我的人的力量来保护我,同情我的人只有1/20,他们是伪装成多数类人来生存的,他们也会灭绝,我们被禁止组建军队,无法反抗。 5,我的对策,我很蠢,男同性恋能做到不被歧视,但我做不到,男同性恋懂得如何占先机地用言论攻击别人,但我想出对策,我自食其力时,我又没有能力抢劫,会被故意伤害,不如讨饭吃,顺便寻求好人的保护。 6,残酷的现实,缺陷y染色体灭绝以后,全部人都是男女同性恋,他们仍然是讨好多数,虐杀少数,这时被多数人歧视的少数异类,自身也歧视少数异类,这时我讨饭也无人帮助。 虚构小说小贞回忆录 说明,作者叫温和前,是女体性行为的异性恋男性,即将灭绝,多数人说我是男同性恋,但我知道多数人是男女同性恋,我用女同性恋视角来揭露真相。 2093年,地球统一了,男女同性恋合作掌权,男同性恋控制军队,女同性恋负责经济管理。我叫小贞,是女同性恋。我父亲是政府特工,负责寻找并虐杀有反抗意识的异性恋男性。我母亲没有工作,在家抚养子女。 学校教育所有人主流思想,主流思想禁止搞同性恋,但事实上,异性恋男女都会被多数男女同性恋说成是同性恋,然后进行合法性虐待。 小学五年级时,我爱上了一个女同桌,她是我一生最喜欢的女生,姓刘,她很高,很白,她的体味没有味道,但深深地吸引我,让我愉快,虽然我也是女人,但我对她的身体充满好奇。在女厕所尿尿时,我偷看她尿尿。 中学到大学,我担任了学生干部,任务是帮学校女领导和女老师寻找漂亮女生。漂亮女生会成为女领导和女老师的性奴。在大学宿舍,漂亮女生只有1/6,每个宿舍都是女同性恋多数,我们都会强迫漂亮女生陪睡,我们会在上厕所和洗澡时性虐漂亮女生,举例,我们会故意霸占厕所,迫使美女和自己一起小便。因为我是学生干部,我睡过很多个漂亮女生。举一例,漂亮女生小邓,她和我最喜欢的小刘一样美,我仰躺着,强迫她趴在我身上睡,我抚摸她的阴唇阴蒂阴道,然后小腹对着小腹和她女女性交。 大学毕业时,有一天,我父亲说姓温的男性反抗激烈,准备灭族灭绝他们,请我帮忙想办法,我在监狱见过温姓男性,我觉得他们的性心理和我一样,我对他们有些同情,但我没有权力阻止他们被灭族的命运。 我觉得男同性恋虐杀异性恋男性太残忍,我发现基因工程技术可以实现女女繁殖,于是我设想组建一个纯女性社会,女同性恋掌权,女异性恋做性奴。我想,如果组建了纯女性社会,女同性恋会不会进化得和男同性恋一样残忍呢?我认为不会,男同性恋的残忍是异性恋女性的低级性心理造成的,异性恋男性曾经是进化成讲道理的统治者,异性恋女性是异性恋男性的性奴。 少數異類的求助信和認輸和乞求 1,理論依據,公理1,言論可以描述虛假的事實,稱為謊言,暴力取勝者的言論代表正確。公理2,對同性有性欲望的人攻擊同性壹定占先機,必勝。公理3,性欲望是對他人身體的性器官包括氣味的追求,不影響性行為,性行為是對自己性別身份的行為要求,男女同性戀都能偽裝成異性戀,而且能繁殖。公理4,異性戀者只對異性中的異性戀者有性欲望,同性戀者的性欲望和異性中的異性戀者的性欲望相同,所以同性戀者只對同性中異性戀者有性欲望。公理5,故意傷害別人的人能擴大後代比例,如果多個故意傷害別人的人互相包庇和同情,能對抗報復者,進化優勢無窮大。 定理,男同性戀的性欲望是無理由故意傷害,而且男同性戀互相同情和包庇,女同性戀和男同性戀合作繁殖,她們協助和包庇男同性戀,所以男女同性戀可以屠殺滅絕異性戀男性,然後同性戀者占多數。 2,現實的困境,公理,我叫溫和前,多數人和當前政府能決定我的生死,我試圖被多數類人包容,但我沒做到。1,男女同性戀占多數,多數人通過智能手機議論我,傳播我的照片,他們說我是想殺人的精神分裂病人,然後導致所有人都陷害和故意傷害我。多數人說我很可怕,但我覺得他們也很可怕,我遇到的每個人都通過歧視我來避免被其他人歧視。同情和幫助我的人很罕見。2,當前政府是想滅絕我的男同性戀掌權,有男同性戀擔任的特工來預防底層社會的造反圖謀,我在特工面前說我想殺人,結果我被政府暗算,我網購的食品中帶有瘋牛病牛肉,我被陌生人故意傷害敲傷頭部,被惡意傳染疾病,感染皮膚寄生蟲人體蠕形蟎。我有很大概率會說這種話,因為我想得到想殺人的異性戀男性的保護,但男女同性戀要求別人善良,而且他們自己想殺人,他們因此想滅絕我。 3,我有同類,但他們很少了,我的y染色體特殊,我可能會滅絕,我是女體性行為的異性戀男性,我的本能是團結同類和同情我的異類,用戰爭對抗男同性戀,我的智慧是揣測人心和思考戰爭規律。我的祖先是東晉名將溫嶠,曹操功臣溫恢,劉邦功臣溫疥,我的祖先依靠過某類統治者的庇護。我滅絕以後,沒人知道我的性心理,我要在死前寫出性心理真相作為歷史記錄,見下頁。 4,軍閥議會共和制能保護我的同類,允許任何人自由組建軍隊,每只軍隊派出議員,組成議會決策,弱者服從強者。但這個制度被多數人反對。 5,我的哀求。我決定投降認輸,接受滅絕,但我向政府乞求壹個同類相聚的機會。我的QQ3043605422,我想尋找同類,和他們相濡以沫,度過最後的時光。 6,我的同類可能需要森田療法的幫助,森田療法是,不擺脫精神疾病,帶著疾病過正常生活。公理,腦損傷和精神分裂等效。定理,試圖擺脫無法擺脫的精神疾病會陷入邏輯死循環,然後受更多傷害。實用醫學知識,治療人體蠕形蟎的藥,外用是十二烷基苯磺酸鈉,鄰苯二甲基二丁酯,內服是甲硝唑,伊維菌素,有報道說治療精神分裂的藥物氯丙嗪可以治療瘋牛病。 7,異性戀者的性心理遺傳不穩定,估計性欲望基因有奇偶律,戀女基因在偶數個包括0時才導致戀女,所以異性戀男性的y染色體滅絕以後,就不再有異性戀男性。我的父母是男女同性戀,他們養育我又折磨我。我想,如果沒有我父親,我已經死了,我故意敲傷他的頭來報復他,我後悔了。 8,我寫了女同性戀視角的小說來揭露同性戀社會,簡介是,男女同性戀掌權的國家,法律名義上禁止同性戀,但事實上占多數的女同性戀故意把異性戀美女說成是女同,然後強迫美女和自己女女性交。 記錄我被多數人歧視時的性心理分析(溫和前) 1,公理,當前社會,多數人能被包容,少數異類被歧視,我按照本能做事,但我被多數人歧視並故意傷害到死,這是因為我的性心理與眾不同。我滅絕以後,我滅絕的原因,不會被多數人寫出來。 2,經歷,我的網絡言論引起多數人說我是想殺人的異類,並且說我精神分裂,然後他們孤立並任意傷害我,無論我說什麽,他們都說是幻覺,無論我做什麽,他們都說是可怕。他們認為罪名屬實,我無法改變他們的想法,我的同類能包容我,但我的同類接近滅絕。我在特工家庭背景的葉姓舍友面前說我想殺人,然後我被政府暗算,我網購的食品含有瘋牛病毒,我的頭被陌生人故意敲傷。 3,我的性心理,我的智力是遺傳的性心理決定的,我能理解壹種男同性戀的性欲望,就是討好多數人,故意傷害少數異類,我的本能想做少數異類,目的是用來團結同類,並且我不願意做男同性戀,所以我想對抗男同性戀,我的辦法是遠離男同性戀,聚集同類,用戰爭守護地盤。我想依靠想殺人的人來保護我,所以我不歧視想殺人的人,為了互相保護,我自己也要能殺人。我讀小學時,13歲,深深暗戀過壹個女同桌,姓劉,她的體味無味但極其吸引我,我想用女性身體和女性性交,但我是男性身體,所以我只能擁抱和親吻美女。 4,多數類人的性心理,可以有兩種情況,但前者是現實,1,多數人是男女同性戀,他們的性欲望是虐殺異性戀男性,但他們能通過迫害少數異類來避免互相傷害,他們都要求別人善良,所以他們就用編造他人的惡,制造罪名來故意虐殺別人,我是異性戀男性,我占少數,我被針對但無法對抗。2,多數人是異性戀男女,他們自稱是少數異類,但事實上他們是多數人,因為性欲望遺傳不穩定,每壹代人中都有少數不計後果地虐殺別人的男同性戀,他們通過提前識別並殺死男同性戀來保護自己。性欲望基因有奇偶律,戀女基因在偶數包括0個時才導致戀女,我的y染色體滅絕以後就不再有異性戀男性。 5,對未來的預言,1,我會滅絕並且不能再進化出來。在古代我的同類能生存是因為地理隔離,聚集少數同類形成局部多數,今天是男同性戀掌權,政府禁止我的同類聚集成局部多數。軍閥議會共和制能保護我的同類,但被多數人反對,允許任何人自由組建軍隊,弱者服從強者。2,男女同性戀永遠把自己的性欲望說成是無性欲繁殖,但事實上他們永遠在虐殺我的同類和我喜歡的美女,而且他們會用謊言來掩蓋故意傷害別人的真相,以避免被懲罰,我被男同性戀故意傷害,我需要說出性心理真相來尋求同類的幫助,但因此引來男同性戀的屠殺滅口,我的同類滅絕以後,性心理真相永遠被掩蓋。多數類異性戀男女不敢說出真相,他們害怕成為少數異類。3,男女同性戀永遠在討好多數人。 6,多數類人不說謊也能合法殺死我,我不理解他們的謊言的作用。我無法理解男女同性戀避免被其他同性戀歧視的方法,所以我只有聚集同類才能生存。 7,破解辦法,1,如果我後天改變價值觀,選擇用自己的智力利用並陷害同類,這樣就能避免很多異類男性的攻擊。2,殺人魔有感受自身痛苦的欲望,然後他想把痛苦施加於他人,殺人魔被報復時會更快樂。殺人魔不會互相攻擊。 8,最痛苦困境,1,男體性行為的人要求少數異類善良,但他們想傷害我時無法阻止,我的言論只能使少數同類幫助我。2,類比,多個女同性戀合作強迫美女和自己女女性交,但又編謊言,說是美女強奸自己,暴力取勝者說謊欺騙受害者的同類,是對受害者的加倍折磨。 記錄溫和前死前最後的掙紮 1,說明,多數人和政府軍決定我的命運,他們想消滅我的同類,我垂死掙紮,本文記錄我死前最後的經歷和努力,寫在博客流傳後世。 2,我的掙紮,我走到街頭,從過路人中尋找同情我的人,包括女性,我發現只有1/20的人同情我,我和他們說“我是少數異類,我被多數人歧視和故意傷害,他們說我是想殺人的殺人魔,我需要妳的幫助和保護,我想團結同類組建軍隊來保護自己,並且願意服從當前政府,我發明新制度,允許任何人自由組建軍隊,弱者服從強者。”他們說“我們不敢幫助妳,組建軍隊會被共黨屠殺和滅族。” 3,預知的結局,被多數類人打死在街頭上,警察假裝看不見。如果我求助於19/20的多數類人,得到的會是落進下石。 4,我受到的傷害和我的堅強,我的頭被陌生人故意敲傷,腦損傷,依靠森田療法堅持,我被政府特工暗算,吃了瘋牛病牛肉,被惡意傳染了皮膚寄生蟲人體蠕形蟎,網上看到氯丙嗪治療瘋牛病克雅病有效。 5,多數類人故意傷害我的方式和對應的動機。有兩種人用兩種不同的方式來故意傷害我,各占壹半,總共占比19/20,如下,1,間接方式,這種人不直接暴力攻擊我,他們通過支持和幫助故意傷害我的人來消滅我,他們的動機是,“討好勝利者可以避免被傷害,故意傷害溫和前的人是勝利者”。他們的想法能成為現實,因為政府軍消滅了這種人的歧視者。2,直接方式,這種人直接用暴力攻擊我,他們的動機是,“喜歡利用受害者的善良來傷害受害者,並且他們相信故意傷害別人以後還能享受多數人的善良。”他們的動機能變成現實,因為他們占多數,他們故意傷害別人以後能互相同情和包庇,而且他們能用謊言欺騙受害者的同類。他們都是男女同性戀,他們有性欲望來故意傷害我的同類和我喜歡的美女。 6,總結我受到的折磨,主要是言論上的困境,1,多數人說自己是善良的異性戀,但事實上他們是想殺人的男女同性戀,他們的性欲望都等效為虐殺善良的同性。我能說出真相,但我的同類占少數,被屠殺,失敗者的言論無效。2,男女同性戀編造很多通用道理來掩蓋故意傷害我的動機,我卻無法反駁,例如,他們說他們殺人是消滅敵人,但事實上不反抗的少數異類他們也要虐殺。 7,我想出了反擊的方法,如果我模仿男同性戀的性欲望來占先機地消滅男同性戀,是可以被多數人支持的。但我不喜歡這樣做。當前政府軍是男女同性戀組成的,他們才有槍,我殺人會被政府軍殺掉,我只能絕望,接受滅絕。 8,手抄版軍閥議會共和制,1,允許任何人自由組建軍隊,每只軍隊派議員組成議會決策,弱者服從強者。2,男女同性戀的性欲望都等效為虐殺,他們攻擊我的同類占先機必勝,我是少數類異性戀男性,只有模仿男同性戀的性欲望才能生存。3,森田療法可以緩解腦損傷等精神病,就是不試圖擺脫精神疾病,帶著疾病過正常生活。4,我QQ3043605422。 為什麽我遇到的言論迫害無解(溫和前) 1,公理,表面上網絡言論自由,但事實上有些話會惹來殺身之禍。 2,被迫害經歷,我在網上說自己想殺人,說自己有精神病,結果引起多數人都想殺死我,他們的說法是,“想殺人的男性就是男同性戀,威脅到多數人的生存,應該被消滅,男同性戀沒有痛苦,活該被折磨,溫和前就是精神分裂,精神分裂病人可以被任意傷害,因為受害者說出來會被說成是被害妄想。如果溫和前殺人來報復社會,就坐實了溫和前是殺人魔加精神分裂”。 3,真相,我的同類能理解真相,言論上多數人是消滅想殺人的威脅,但事實上他們是惡意地冤枉好人,是用善良借口來故意殺人,這是壹種偽善,我自稱想殺人是為了和偽善的人區別開來,但這樣使我被多數人歧視,我沒有精神分裂。 4,無解的原因,1,如果我依靠多數人的力量來保護我,我無法改變多數人的想法,多數類人是男女同性戀,他們的性欲望都等效為虐殺別人,他們不會自相殘殺,因為他們都同情偽善的方式來殺人的人,而且他們討好多數,虐殺少數異類,他們能被當成多數,我被當成少數。2,如果我依靠同情我的人的力量來保護我,同情我的人只有1/20,他們是偽裝成多數類人來生存的,他們也會滅絕,我們被禁止組建軍隊,無法反抗。 5,我的對策,我很蠢,男同性戀能做到不被歧視,但我做不到,男同性戀懂得如何占先機地用言論攻擊別人,但我想出對策,我自食其力時,我又沒有能力搶劫,會被故意傷害,不如討飯吃,順便尋求好人的保護。 6,殘酷的現實,缺陷y染色體滅絕以後,全部人都是男女同性戀,他們仍然是討好多數,虐殺少數,這時被多數人歧視的少數異類,自身也歧視少數異類,這時我討飯也無人幫助。 虛構小說小貞回憶錄 說明,作者叫溫和前,是女體性行為的異性戀男性,即將滅絕,多數人說我是男同性戀,但我知道多數人是男女同性戀,我用女同性戀視角來揭露真相。 2093年,地球統壹了,男女同性戀合作掌權,男同性戀控制軍隊,女同性戀負責經濟管理。我叫小貞,是女同性戀。我父親是政府特工,負責尋找並虐殺有反抗意識的異性戀男性。我母親沒有工作,在家撫養子女。 學校教育所有人主流思想,主流思想禁止搞同性戀,但事實上,異性戀男女都會被多數男女同性戀說成是同性戀,然後進行合法性虐待。 小學五年級時,我愛上了壹個女同桌,她是我壹生最喜歡的女生,姓劉,她很高,很白,她的體味沒有味道,但深深地吸引我,讓我愉快,雖然我也是女人,但我對她的身體充滿好奇。在女廁所尿尿時,我偷看她尿尿。 中學到大學,我擔任了學生幹部,任務是幫學校女領導和女老師尋找漂亮女生。漂亮女生會成為女領導和女老師的性奴。在大學宿舍,漂亮女生只有1/6,每個宿舍都是女同性戀多數,我們都會強迫漂亮女生陪睡,我們會在上廁所和洗澡時性虐漂亮女生,舉例,我們會故意霸占廁所,迫使美女和自己壹起小便。因為我是學生幹部,我睡過很多個漂亮女生。舉壹例,漂亮女生小鄧,她和我最喜歡的小劉壹樣美,我仰躺著,強迫她趴在我身上睡,我撫摸她的陰唇陰蒂陰道,然後小腹對著小腹和她女女性交。 大學畢業時,有壹天,我父親說姓溫的男性反抗激烈,準備滅族滅絕他們,請我幫忙想辦法,我在監獄見過溫姓男性,我覺得他們的性心理和我壹樣,我對他們有些同情,但我沒有權力阻止他們被滅族的命運。 我覺得男同性戀虐殺異性戀男性太殘忍,我發現基因工程技術可以實現女女繁殖,於是我設想組建壹個純女性社會,女同性戀掌權,女異性戀做性奴。我想,如果組建了純女性社會,女同性戀會不會進化得和男同性戀壹樣殘忍呢?我認為不會,男同性戀的殘忍是異性戀女性的低級性心理造成的,異性戀男性曾經是進化成講道理的統治者,異性戀女性是異性戀男性的性奴。 minority seek help and admit defeat and implore 1,The theoretical foundation of this letter, Axiom1, speech can describe false facts, called lies, and the speech of violent winner represent correct. Axiom2, a person have sexdesire to the same sex,always take precedence attack other person in the same sex,certain win. Axiom3, sexual desire is pursuit the other person's physical sex organ, including pursuit the smell,sexual desire donot affect sexual behavior, sexual behavior is a behavior requirement about oneself gender identity, so gays and lesbians can use sexual behavior to disguise as heterosexuals, then they can reproduce.Axiom4, heterosexuals only have desire to heterosexual in the opposite sex, the sexdesire of the homosexuals is the same with the sexdesire of the heterosexuals in the opposite sex, so the homosexuals only have sexual desire to the heterosexuals in the same sex. Axiom5, a person who intentionally hurt others can expand the proportion of his gene.if a number of people who intentionally hurt others are enshield and sympathize with each other, they can resist the revenge, and their evolutionary advantage will be infinite. Theorem, gay men's sexdesire is no reason to intentionally harm, gay men sympathize and enshield each other, lesbians cooperate with gay to reproduce,so lesbian protect gay men and they help gay to hurt heterosexual man, so lesbian and gay can slaughter and depopulate heterosexual men, and then homosexuals is the majority. 2,The dilemma of reality, axiom, my name is heqian,familyname is wen, majority people and the current government can decide my life and death, I try to be tolerant by the majority people, but I failed to do so.1, gays and lesbians are the majority,Most people spread speech say me want to kill human. Then they discriminate and kill me by any means. They also say me gay and schizophrenic, and then they torture me legally. They say that I am terrible, but to me, they are terrible.everybody discriminate me in orther to avioid being discriminated,2,Gay control government,governor use gay or lesbian spy to detect rebellious attempts at the bottom day I told the spy that I wanted to kill human, as result, I was secretly plot, for example ,i buy food online contained beef with mad cow disease. I was deliberately knocked injured on head by stranger man.I was maliciously infected with disease,such as human demodex. this is an inevitable disaster for me,Because I am a heterosexual man, my instinct is to seek shelter from heterosexual men who want to kill human, so I would say that. 3,I have the same kind, but they are very few, my y chromosome is special, I may die out, I am a heterosexual man with female sexual behavior, My instinct is to unite the same kind and the different kind who sympathize with me, to fight against gay men use war. My wisdom is to surmise other people's thinking and think about the laws of war. My ancestors are Wenqiao, a famous general of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Wenhui, a meritorious official of Caocao, and Wenjie, a meritorious official of Liu Bang.My ancestors relied on the protection of some kind of rulers. After my extinction, no one knows my sexual psychology. I want to write the truth of sexual psychology as a historical record before I die, see the next page. 4,warlord parliamentary republic system can protect my kind,allows anyone to form an army freely,every troop send parliamentarian, then the weak obey the strong through Parliament. But this system is not allowed by the majority. 5, my implore. I decided to surrender and accept the extinction, but I asked the government for a chance to get my kind man together. My china social software qq3043605422, I want to find my kind man, help each other spend the last time. 6,My kind man may need the help of Morita therapy. Morita therapy is not to get rid of mental illness, try to live a normal life with mental desease. Axiom, brain injury and schizophrenia are equivalent. Theorem, trying to get rid of an inextricable mental illness can fall into an endless logical cycle and get hurt more.Practical medical knowledge, medicine for the treatment of human demodex, external use is sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate, o-phenyldimethyldibutyl ester, internal use is metronidazole, ivermectin, it is reported that chlorpromazine can treat mad cow disease. 7,sexdesire heredity of heterosexual man is unstable. The sexdesire gene may have an odd-even law. The sexdesire gene of love girl leads to love girl only in the even number, including 0. if heterosexual man y chromosome extinct, no longer have heterosexual man. y My parents are gay and lesbian. They raised me but also tortured me.I think if I don't have my father, I would have died,so I repent that I had deliberately knocked injure his head in order to revenge him. 8, I write a novel use perspective of lesbian to Expose the truth of gay society. The brief introduction is that in the country where homosexual men and women are in power, homosexuality is prohibited in law nominally, but in fact, the majority of lesbians deliberately describe heterosexual women as lesbians, and then force beautiful woman to have girl on girl sex with them. Record the analyze of sexual psychoanalysis when I am discriminated against by the majority (write by chinese wenheqian) 1,axiom,In current society, most people can be accommodated, a few outsiders are discriminated against, I do things according to instinct, but I am discriminated against by the majority and deliberately hurt to death, because my sexual psychology is different. After my extinction, the reason for my extinction will not be written by most people. 2,Experience, my online speech caused most people to say that I wanted to kill human, and said I was schizophrenia, and then they isolated and arbitrarily hurt me, no matter what I said, they said it was an illusion, no matter what I did, they said it was terrible. They think the charge is true, I can not change their think, my kind can accommodate me, but my kind is close to extinction. I said I wanted to kill human in front of a roommate, he have government spy agent's family background,his familyname is ye. As a result, I was secretly ploted by the government that the food I bought online contained mad cow virus and I had been deliberately knocked injure on the head by strangers. 3,My sexual psychology, my intelligence is determined by the hereditary sexual psychology, I can understand a kind of gay's sexdesire, that is fawn on majority people,but intentionally harm the minority, my instinct is to became minority, the purpose is to unite the same kind, and I do not want to be gay, so I want to fight against gay men, my method is to away from gay, gather my kind, use war to protect my land. I want to protect myself rely on the people who want to kill people, so I don't discriminated person who want to kill people. In order to protect each other, I have to be able to kill people myself. When I was in primary school, at the age of 13, I had a female deskmate, family name liu. Her body odour is odourless but actively attracted me. I wanted to have sex with women with my female body, but I was a male, so I only can hug and kiss beautiful women. 4,Most people have sexual feelings, there can be two situations, but the former is a reality,1, the majority people are gay man and woman, their sexual desire is to abuse and kill heterosexual man, but they only persecute minority people to avoid hurting each other, they all ask others to be goodness, so they use lie to fabricate other people's evil, use charges to deliberately hurt others, I am heterosexual, I am minority, I was targeted but cannot resist. 2,The majority are heterosexual, they claim to be a minority, but in fact they are the majority, because the sexual desire is not stable, and there are few gay men want to hurt people regardless consequences in each generation,so majority protect themselves by identifying and killing gay men in advance. The sexdesire gene has the odd even law, the love girl gene causes love girl only in the even number includes 0, after my y chromosome extinct, no heterosexual man exist. 5,predict the future, 1, I will extinct and no longer evolved out. In ancient times, my kind man able to survive is because geographic isolation, minority gather same kind person became the local majority. Today, the government controled in gay,government forbids my kind man gather to form local majority. The warlord parliament republic system can protect my kind, but it has been opposed by majority people,it is allowing anyone to freely form an army, the weak obey the strong. 2, gay men and women forever describe their sexdesires as no sexdesire reproduce, but in fact they are always abusing my kind and my favorite beautiful girl, and they will use lies to hide the truth of intentionally harming others in order to avoid being punished.because I am deliberately victimized by gay men and lesbians, I need to expose the sexual psychological truth to seek help from my kind, but it cause gay massacre my kind in order to hide the truth, after my extinction, the sexual psychological truth will always hidden. Majority heterosexual men and women have no dare to expose the truth, they are afraid to become minority. 3, gay and lesbian are always fawn on majority. 6,Majority people can legally kill me without lies, so I don't understand the function of their lies. I can't understand how the gay men and lesbian are able to avoid being discriminated against by other homosexuals, so I can only survive by gather my kind together. 7,Cracking method, 1, if I change my value after birth, choose to use my intelligence to snare my kind, which can avoid many attack from majority men. 2, the bloodthirsty killer has the desire to feel his own pain, and then he wants to inflict pain on others, and he will have more fun when the killer is revenged. demons will not attack each other. 8,The most painful predicament, 1, the male sex behavior man require minority goodness, but I cannot stop them when they want to hurt me, my words can only make my kind help me. 2, analogy, multiple lessbian cooperate to force beautiful women to have girl-on-girl sex with them, but they create lies say that beautiful women force them.when violent winners lie to cheat the same kind of the victims, that is doubly torturing the victims. Record the last struggle before a chinese wenheqian's death 1.majority people and government decide my fate. They want to eliminate my kind.I do dying struggle. This article records my last experience and efforts before my death.I will write them in the blog for later generations. 2. In my struggle, I go to the streets and looked for people who sympathized with me from passers-by, including women, I found that only 1 / 20 of them sympathized with me. I said to them, "I am a minority. I am discriminated and deliberately hurt by the majority,majority say that I am a demon wants to kill people. I need your help and protection. I want to unite my kind to form an army to protect myself, and I willing to obey the government, I invented a new system that allows anyone to form an army freely, the weak obey the strong. " They said, "we don't dare to help you.we will be slaughtered by the Communist Party if we form army." 3. The result by predict.I will be beat and killed by majority people on the street, and the police pretend not see it. If I turn to seek help from 19 / 20 of the majority of the class, I will get a fall stone. 4. my geted hurt and my firm. My head was deliberately knocked by strangers and my brain was damaged. I insist survive by Morita therapy. I was secretly ploted by government agents. I ate beef with mad cow disease and was maliciously infected with skin parasite human peristalsis. I saw in internet that chlorpromazine was effective in treating mad cow disease. 5. The way that majority people deliberately hurt me and the corresponding motivation. There are two kinds of people who deliberately hurt me in two different ways, each account 1/2, accounting for 19 / 20 of the total. As follows, 1.Indirect way, this kind of people donot directly attack me violently. They eliminate me by supporting and helping people who intentionally hurt me. Their motivation is that "flattering the winner can avoid being hurt, and the man who deliberately hurting wenheqian is winner". Their ideas can come true because current government army has eliminated their enemy. 2.In a direct way, this kind of person attacks me directly with violence. Their motivation is "enjoy to use the kindness of the victim to hurt the victim, and they believe that they can enjoy the kindness of majority people after deliberately hurting others." Their motives can become reality, because they are the majority, they intentionally hurt others but they can sympathize and enshield each other, and they can deceive the same kind of victims with lies. They are both gay and lesbian. They have sexual desire to intentionally hurt my kind and my favorite beauties. 6,sum up what I've suffered, mainly the plight of speech,1, most people say they are good heterosexual, but in fact they are gays and lesbians who want to kill, and their sexual desire is equivalent to killing kindhearted same sex people. I can tell the truth, but my kind is minority, being slaughtered, the loser's words are useless.2, gays and lesbians make up many general principles to cover up the motives of deliberately hurting me,but I cannot refute, for example, they say they kill the enemy, but in fact they will kill the minority who don't fight for gainst. 7. I have come up with a way to fight back. If I imitate the sexual desire of gay men to take the lead to kill gay men, it can be supported by most people. But I don't like it. At present, the government forces are made up of gay men and lesbians,only they have guns. I will be killed by the government forces. I can only despair and accept extinction. 8. Hand write version of warlord parliamentary republic system. 1. Anyone is allowed to form an army freely. Each army sends delegate to form a parliament to make decisions. The weak obey the strong. 2. The sexual desire of gays and lesbians is equivalent to maltreatment kill. They attack my kind take the lead,so win. I am a minority heterosexual man. Only way to survive is by imitating gay sexdesire. 3. Morita therapy can alleviate mental illness such as brain injury, that is, do not try to get rid of mental illness and live a normal life with illness. 4. I qq3043605422. Why the persecution of speech that I encountered has no solution(chinese wenheqian) 1.axiom, on the surface, freedom of speech on the Internet, but in fact, some speech will lead to death. 2. Being persecuted experience, I said on the Internet that I want to kill people, and say I have mental illness, which causes majority people want to kill me. They said that "the man who wants to kill is gay, which threatens the survival of majority people, and should be eliminated,gay men have no pain,should be tortured,wenheqian is schizophrenic,Schizophrenic people can be hurt wantonly because The victim will be said to have victimization delusion, If wenheqian kill people to revenge the society, it authenticate wenheqian is killer demon and schizophrenic". 3. The truth, my kind can understand the truth, majority people say they kill minority people are to eliminate the threat, but in fact, they maliciously wronged the good people,that is use goodness pretext to intentionally killed people, which is a kind of hypocrisy. I claim that I want to kill is to distinguish from the hypocrisy, but this makes me discriminated by majority people. I don't have schizophrenia. 4,reason of no solution,1,If I rely on the power of most people to protect me, I can't change the idea of most people. Most people are gay and lesbian. Their sexual desire is equivalent to killing others. They won't kill each other, because they all sympathize with hypocritical murderer, and they fawn on the majority, kill minority people, and they can be regarded as the majority. I be treated as a minority. 2. If I rely on the power of people who sympathize me to protect myself, only 1 / 20 people sympathize me,and they survive by disguise as majority, and they also going extinct. We are forbidden to form an army and cannot resist. 5. My countermeasures. I'm stupid. Gay men can get no discrimination, but I can't get it. Gay men know how to take the lead attack others in speech, but I come up with countermeasures. When I support myself, I don't have the ability to rob, I will be hurt deliberately. It's better to beg for food and seek the protection from good people. 6. The cruel reality is that after the extinction of the defective Y chromosome, all people are gay and lesbian. They still fawn on the majority and kill the minority. At this time, the minority people being discriminated will discriminated the minority. At this time, there is no help for me when I beg for food. Memoirs of Xiaozhen, a fictional novel the author's name is Wenqian, a heterosexual male with female sexual behavior, my kind going extinct. Most people say that I am gay, but I know that majority people are gay and lesbian. I use lesbian perspective to expose the truth. In 2093, the earth was unified. Gay men and lesbians cooperated to take power. Gay men controlled the military. Lesbians were in charge of economic management. My name is Xiaozhen. I'm a lesbian. My father, a government agent, his work is finding and killing rebellious heterosexual men. My mother didn't have a job and raised her children at home. Schools teach all students mainstream ideology, mainstream ideology prohibit homosexuality, but in fact, heterosexual men and women will be said as homosexual by majority gay and lesbian, and then legitimate sexual abuse. In the fifth grade of primary school, I fell in love with a female deskmate. She was my favorite girl in my life. Her surname was Liu. She was very tall and white. She had no body odour, but attracted me deeply and made me happy. Although I was a woman, I was full of curiosity about her body. When I peed in the women's washroom, I watch her peeding. From middle school to university, I served as a student cadre, whose task is to help female leaders and teachers of the school find beautiful girls. Beautiful girls will become sexual slaves of female leaders and teachers. In the college dormitory, beautiful girls are only 1/6, each dormitory is lesbian majority,We will force the beautiful girls to sleep with us. We will abuse the beautiful girls when we go to toilet or take a bath. For example, we will deliberately occupy the toilet and force the beautiful girls to urinate with us. Because I am a student cadre, I have slept with many beautiful girls. For example, Deng, a beautiful girl, is as beautiful as my favorite Liu. I lay on my back and forced her to lie on my body.I touched her labia and clit and vagina, and use my abdome had girl girl sex with her. When I graduated from University, one day, my father said that a kind men surnamed Wen resisted fiercely and were ready to exterminate them,ask me help to find a way. I met the men surnamed Wen in prison. I think their sexual psychology is the same as mine. I have some sympathy for them, but I have no right to stop their being exterminated fate. I think it's too cruel that the gay men kill heterosexual men. I found genetic engineering technology can realize the reproduction between women and women. So I planned to build a pure female society, in which lesbians are in power and heterosexual women are sex slaves. I think, if a pure female society is formed, will lesbians evolve to be cruel as gay men? I don't think so. The cruelty of gay men is caused by the low class sexual psychology of heterosexual women. Heterosexual men is the ruler in past who evolved to reasonable. Heterosexual women are the sex slaves of heterosexual men.