Although is a professional escalator factory, the home elevators we produce are particularly popular nowadays, especially those with elderly or inconvenient people at home. Many choose to purchase fujihd home elevators from us. Fujihd home elevators are considered to be modern luxury items that may increase by 10%. So please think about it before you buy a home elevator. Firstly, understand the different elevator technologies used in the home. Traditional hydraulic elevators use pistons and cables to transport the passenger car, while newer pneumatic or vacuum elevators rely on air pressure changes. Simple lifts are also available, which rely on mechanical motors to transport passengers up and down short distances. Secondly, determine the distance the elevator will need to travel. In general, vacuum elevators can only travel up to four stories. Hydraulic elevators, which are used in the world's tallest buildings, can travel a much greater distance. Small platform lifts can usually travel no more than 8 feet. Thirdly, evaluate the weight capacity of each model. Usually, the average vacuum elevator can carry no more than 450 pounds. Hydraulic elevators can transport heavier loads safely. Consider the weight of passengers, freight and items such as wheelchairs or other mobility devices when determining total load. Fourthly, review size limitations. One of the biggest drawbacks to vacuum elevators is their small size. These units generally are not large enough to accommodate a wheelchair, though some larger models are being tested. Since they carry a small load, they also take up relatively little space in the home. However, hydraulic elevators are much larger, both inside and outside, and are the best choice for buyers who rely on a wheelchair. Fifthly, check the installation requirements for each model. Hydraulic elevator installation requires a pit for pistons and other equipment. Installation of these units typically leads to extensive demolition and remodeling in the home. While pneumatic elevators require only a level floor surface for installation. No excavation is required, and very little remodeling is needed. What’s more, think about maintenance. Pneumatic elevators rely on air pressure changes and have fewer mechanical parts than hydraulic systems. Fewer parts usually means a reduced risk for malfunction, though vacuum elevators do require new liners every few years. Consider maintenance requirements and the availability of service plans when choosing your new elevator. Choose the fujihd escalator factory because we will consider all the above issues for you. Escalator Factory Fujihd Offer Good Elevator for Your Home!