Home insulation comes in many forms. Trying to figure out which one is the best option for your house can be tedious. The various types are given an R-value which rates the heat resistance of the material. The higher the R-value the more resistant the material is. You should look at each one carefully as they all have good points and all have lows. Figuring out which one is best for your house will depend on what you think is best.For the 'green' house there is a home insulation made of cellulose. This material is made from recycled paper and wood, which is why its so popular with the environmentally friendly bunch. Its fire-resistant and has not been shown to have any adverse biological effects, unlike some other materials. Not only is it a good insulator it is also a good soundproofing option if it is sprayed inside new walls. It can also be applied by blowing it into existing walls. Even though there have been shown to G10 epoxy board have no adverse affects its still best if you wear protective gear when installing it.Plastic foam is another sprayed home insulation. This is a great option because not only does it provide the home with an insulating layer it can also add additional wall strength where its used. Not only is it heat resistant it is also mildew and rot resistant but it is prone to infestation. Termites really seem to gravitate to this type so you might want to make sure your house is treated regularly in order to keep the home wreckers away.One of the most common types of home insulation is fiberglass. Everyone has seen this type it looks a lot like cotton-candy and at least one company has used the Pink Panther as a mascot. It comes in large rolls and is rolled into place instead of being sprayed or blown. It is fire resistant but it is subject to become molded if it comes into prolonged contact with water. Even though it is not water resistant it will not rot but it does seem to be an attractor of rodents who like to make the fluffy fibers in to their homes. This type can irritate you skin so during installation you will want to wear protective gear. That includes clothing, dust mask, and eye protection.There is good and bad in every type of home insulation on the market. Choosing what type is dependent on what you are hoping to accomplish. You can go semi-green with a cellulose component. You can get something that is a great insulator while being rot and mildew free if you dont mind watching for insects. Or you can go the traditional way but youll have to watch out for that mold should you have a water leak.