If your office is in need of a versatile combbinding machine that is packed with great features, you'll want to lookat the Fellowes Galaxy. This is a great machine that can boost yourproductivity, but it does have a couple of minor flaws that you shouldknow about. Here are the pros and cons of this device. If your office is in need of a versatilecomb binding machine that's packed with great features, you'll want tolook at the Fellowes Galaxy. This is a great machine that can boostyour productivity, but it does have a couple of minor flaws that youshould know about. Here are the pros and cons of this device. The pros: Thismachine has two of the most popular comb binding machine features:disengageable punching pins and an adjustable margin depth control.These features will allow you to bind books that aren't letter-sized(8.5" x 11") as well as control where the holes will be placed in yourpaper. This can lead to having books that are more durable and won'tlose their pages easily. The Galaxy can bind books containing a maximum of 500 pages, so you'll be able to put together those longer documents. Thisdevice punches your paper vertically for a more accurate end result. Itcan punch up to 25 sheets at once, which is a reasonable punchingcapacity. (Although it isn't spectacular.) Choosing the right comb for your book will be easy because the Galaxyhas a comb selector to help you out. There's even a storage tray foryour supplies so you'll always have them at hand and not have to huntfor them. One of the things that makes the Galaxyunique is that you can separate the punching and binding apparatuses.This will enable two people to contribute to the process, which willreally boost productivity. The Galaxy isn'tterribly big, so you won't need to clear a huge space in your officefor it. Its dimensions are 6.5" (height) x 20.875" (width) x 17.75"(depth). This product has a typically terrific Fellowes warranty. The company will cover the machine for up to two years. Finally, this device comes with a binding starter pack that includes combs and covers to help you get started. The cons: A 25-sheet punching capacity is reasonable, but it's not thatimpressive. Punching a lot of paper could end up being verytime-consuming especially if you're trying to put together a largenumber of books. This is a fully manual device.If you prefer an electric comb binding machine, you'll want to checkout Fellowes' Quasar E comb binder. The verdict: If you need a comb binding machine China Packing Machine Factory for frequent use, the FellowesGalaxy would be a pretty good choice. It's a well-made machine that canreally help you stay productive thanks to the ability to separate thehole punch from the binding apparatus. It's also terrific that is hasdisengageable pins and an adjustable margin depth control. That reallymakes the Galaxy very versatile. Plus, it has a great warranty, whichis something you should always look for. Just be aware that thismachine's punching capacity isn't the highest in the world and thatpunching a lot of paper will take some time. As long as you're finewith this aspect of the machine, you're going to find that the FellowesGalaxy is a very good device indeed.