You can also burn calories by doing regular household chores. Once again lay on the floor, raise and bend your knee towards your head and push your hand against your knee while using your abdominal muscles to pull your knee toward your hand. Vacuuming, washing dishes, and doing laundry are all regular chores that burn fat. Core muscles consist of your abdominal muscles, back muscles and the muscles around your hips. Check What You're EatingStart to keep track of what you eat each day.Trying to get a flat tummy can be difficult with all the tempting fast food and lack of time for exercise. First, lay on the floor on your back and do a full abdominal crunch with your legs also coming off of the ground. Essentially, if you want to know Threads Reducers Wholesale how to get a flatter stomach you have to understand that your body needs to burn more calories that it consumes. Start Working Your Core Muscles. But you can easily integrate exercise into your day. Here are 3 easy tips to get a flat tummy that you can implement with a little planning and just 10 minutes each day. But you don't need to go the gym for hours everyday. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruit, whole grain foods, foods high in fibre, lean meats and drink plenty of water. Hold this position for about 30 seconds.Once you are keeping track of what you eat and moving your body more, the last of these 3 tips to get a flat tummy is to begin working your core muscles. Your next exercise is a single leg abdominal press. Next perform the bridge exercise, where you lay on the floor and move your hips up toward the ceiling. Finish off your routine with the plank pose. On this exercise you lay face down, resting on your forearms. One excuse for people who say they can't get a flat belly is that they don't have the time to exercise.1. Raise up onto your toes and keep your back flat, in a straight line from head to heels. Keep your arm straight and hold for 3 deep breaths and then swap to your other leg and hand. Here is an example of a quick 10 minute workout where you#ll need to do 8-10 repetitions of each exercise before moving onto the next one. If you want to get a flat tummy you're going to have to eat fewer calories than your body burns each day. Take the stairs, park your car at the far end of the car park or get off one stop early if you're on public transport. 2. Get Your Body Moving!An inactive lifestyle will not help you to get a flat tummy. To begin with, cut down on fizzy drinks and stop eating junk fast foods and you will begin to see a difference