While there is a great fall in world oil reserves but the world oil demand is increasing gradually. It's a fact and to confirm this statement we have the current price of oil. Since the Extrusion Screws Manufacturers oil stocks is a good long term investment, so this can be the logical conclusion to the above statement. However, the thing which can affect the valuation and bottom line of these companies is the location of the oil companies.Billions and billions of dollars trade hands in stock market around the world. The same is applicable to the oil stocks. Sometimes it becomes a tough task to tell if a certain time is opportune for selling or buying the oil stocks as the price of oil goes up and down on a regular basis. The prices of oil fluctuate in accordance to the political climate wherever you go.Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Canada, Russia are some of the largest reserves in the world. Since Russian government is unpredictable & unstable, Osama Bin Laden targeting Saudi Arabia and Political unrest in Venezuela left only Canada, namely the Alberta Oil Sands, as most reliable and the largest oil reserves in the world.As the demand for crude oil is rising enormously so during the next 10 years, many big business tycoons are planning to spend billions to develop Albertans unusual oil deposits. In Albertans by 2013, Oil sands output may double to 2 million barrels a day. Oil sands are deposits of bitumen. In order to use the crude oil in refineries to produce diesel fuels and gasoline, heavy oil must be treated to convert into crude oil. Due to the growing economies and strong trading relationships with Canada, which is a country with political stability, numerous resources and neutral military views, the demand for oil and other commodities are also increasing gradually. For the next decade it seems a great oil stocks investment with the companies with reserves in the Alberta oil sands.