In TCM, vasitis is caused by deficiency of liver and kidney, damp heat, gas block, spleen deficiency and phlegm coagulation. The disease is usually in the liver and kidney’s inflammation, it follows the liver channel, blocking the Qi, obstructing the liver and causing pain in the seminal duct. Patients with longer course of disease can cause qi stagnation, blood stasis, phlegm and blood stasis, forming the syndrome of deficiency and excess. nowing the pathogenesis of vas deferens, TCM usually adopts dialectical treatment, that is combining theory with practice to cure diseases. There are also acute and chronic symptoms of vas deferens in TCM. The symptoms of acute vasectomy are mainly pain and touching tenderness , including vas deferens swelling, fever, seminal emission or ejaculation pain. The symptoms of chronic vas deferens and acute vasotis are slightly different. The main manifestations are thickening or hardening of vas deferens, swelling of beads, secret anguish of vas deferens, or scrotal distension, which is more painful when touched by hand. Of course, there are individual patients who do not have pain. This is because each person has different sensitivity to pain. However, most people still suffer from ejaculation pain, seminal emission, premature ejaculation, impotence and erectile dysfunction. Some patients who are in a longer period of time also suffer from dizziness, tinnitus, upset, hot flashes, night sweats, and less red tongue. Compared with acute vasotis, chronic vasovasotis is more complex and takes more time. Ordinary antibiotics are only suitable for short-term symptom improvement. Once a longer medication time, they may become resistant and affect later treatment. Due to the side effects of antibiotics, it will increase the burden of liver and kidney, and may even aggravate the original condition. At this point, we can consider the use of Chinese medicine treatment diuretic anti-inflammatory pills. It contents 50 ingredients that all come from natural animals and plants and minerals, which are harmless to human body and are not easy to produce drug resistance. And its compatibility method has been recognized by the national patent. It is mildly stable property. Although the treatment time is relatively slow, it is not easy to relapse after treatment. It is especially suitable for the treatment of chronic vas deferens and other chronic male genital organs inflammation.