Digital India Campaign! a campaign initiated by the Indian Government, is to increase online work via Internet connectivity.Our government has started this for easily accessible public service, the Honorable Prime Minister of India, launched it on 1 July 2015. The Smart India project is mainly planned to develop India into a smart nation and deliver fast and better Internet services. The Internet has also been an issue in rural parts of the country in the past. Bharat Broadband Network Limited (BBNL) provides communities, offices or institutions with high-speed internet connection. For easy access to services, Digital India will access the online government services or e-government system.Digital India wants to enlighten all types of people in India digitally and to provide the citizens with the best public services. The commercial broadband and IT Indian companies also supported it. It also helps bridge the gap in the employment of youth between developed and undeveloped areas.The Indian government is campaigning for startup India to turn this country into a digitally powerful country. The purpose of this campaign is to provide Indian citizens with electronic government services through necessary forms of massive cuts. It’s incredibly efficient and very productive, saving time and large-scale human workers.Indian people can enhance their skills and knowledge. This seems to be an ambitious project to everyone, particularly for the townsfolk who spend a long travel time working on newsprint and spend money and time for a number of reasons. The domestic e-government system is reliable as it prevails (without pillars, fiber optic road, public interest access, mobile connectivity everywhere, electronics revolution, e-government, job information, IT, post-harvest management program, and electronic devices.The government of India will effectively decode records, making things faster and better in the long term. The government planned to easily link to nearly 250,000 towns and other urban areas of the world at the very beginning of the project’s implementation. The Bharat rural broadband Limited, which is genuinely admirable, plays a significant role in this initiative. Digital India, the government’s major challenge to the country’s growth.Q. What is Digital India?Ans. Digital India is a plan aimed to inspire the nation digitally by providing electronic governance and enhanced broadband services through the increase in high-speed internet connectivity in the world.Q. What are the benefits of the Digital India Project?Ans. Proper paper reduction, BSNL intends to spread the Wi-Fi hotspot in large-scale locations, Socializing and etc.Q. How many foundations are made of Digital India?Ans. There are 9 foundations for Digital India.Q. Which Company operates this Project?Ans. Bharat Broadband Network Limited.Shala Darpan E District CSC Digital NFSA PFMS NSP A2Z NSP GOV