Avoid just checking out the magazines and buying modern baby clothes, buy what attracts you. But don't let your first attraction be a basis for your decision. Again, seek advice from a competent clothing store.Look at the kind of fabric being used and make sure that it is comfortable and adequate for kids. This way, the clothes can be worn no matter what the weather is.Buy clothes made of tough fabric that will wear off immediately after several washes. So how do you divide the wheat from the chaff, will you buy the most expensive? That doesn't sound right, doesnt it? And how angry would you be if throughout this awful recession, you bucked the trend, opt not to purchase cheaper volume produced baby clothing and spend more money on designer brands only to have them worn out after a short period of time.Purchase a bigger size. This means that their children's clothes has been examined by professionals who writes review for clothes for a living and would only publish Interlock+TPU+Interlock what they really believed were top-quality designer childrens clothing. Weigh the possibilities if the baby dress for example will be as nice as now as it will be in the next six months or as a hand me down in coming years. Ask yourself if the color design is elegant enough to last fro a long period of time or are they just the typical flashy and nice ones until the second or third use? Look for shops that have been featured by the national press like New York Times, Vogue, NBC, CNN, Elle, and many others. Purchase natural fabrics, but be wary since all cottons for example are of various quality. Beware of artificial fabrics because they can be a bit itchy and don't breathe, but don't reject them immediately since there are some clothing that can be very soft and durable. Ask the clothing store what problems people have had with the kind of fabric.Lastly, buy baby clothes that you can layer with during the cold weather and can be worn alone during the summer. Look cautiously and give consideration how the fabric feels. While you don't like your children wearing clothes that are bigger than their size, they do grow rapidly and it would hurt our pockets to have them grow out of it so soon after you purchase it. Well dont fret, the following tips will aid you, not just prevent a disaster, but will put a smile on your face while dressing up your children at this time of economic downturn. You dont want to have your child whimpering or complain about wearing clothes you spent for.A lot of web sites sells designer baby clothes, just key in the right word in any search engine and itll surely give you loads of results. So shop wisely and err on buying bigger rather than smaller baby clothing. Make certain it will not be too rough on the skin of infants or toddlers, as they really have sensitive skin.