When you are thinking about purchasing High Frequency Welding is very important to know the type of welder you will need for your particular job. What you buy really depends on what it is you are going to do with it. As an example, if you were going to weld jewelry, you might use an acetylene torch with a small nozzle that would heat the metal enough for thin to medium metal. However, if you want to build large structures for a job or do underwater welding work, what you purchase will be very different. You will need to determine the types of materials you will be welding most of the time. Are you going to work with thick or thin material? Will you be working on this material in the same location all the time? How much experience in welding do you have? Do you need your welder to be portable? When you have answered these questions, RF Welding Machine's time to look at the different styles of welding you need.