Alligators and other wild animals have caught the fancy of many pet and emotional support animals. These animals are considered as exotic pets by many and pay thousands of dollars to bring them home. However, is it really worth it? Is bringing these wold animals home is a sensible and beneficial decision? We doubt it. If you have an ESA Letter online and seeking information about ESA hotel policies then this article is for you. Alligators, snakes, crocodiles, tigers, lions, and bears are wild animals and in many states, keeping them as pets or ESAs is illegal. There are many reasons for this and this is why bringing them home is not a good step. We know what you are thinking, why not bring them home? Why can’t I have a lovely white tiger at home? Well, you can if you could risk your life and the people around you. Below, we have explained some of the reasons that you should drop the thought of getting an alligator or another wild animal as an ESA. 1. Wild Animals are UnpredictableThe behavior of animals like dogs and cats could be predicted from its training and upbringing. The same could not be said about wild animals like alligators, snakes, lions, tigers, and bears. Since all of these animals ate hunters, they can never get rid of their predator streak. You must have an emotional support animal letter to carry your pet along with you. These animals are huge and there is only one thing that you could predict about them and that is they are natural predators and hunters and they are dangerous for you also. 2. They are Dangerous for YouAs we said before, wild animals are dangerous and no matter how hard you try, you cannot change their nature. If you think that because you have brought a baby cub or alligator home so you can domesticate them then you are in for a surprise. Animals like a pet fox, snake and bear are known for attacking their owners and believe us, you will not stand a chance against them if they come in their attacking mode. Other than this, these wild animals carry a number of dangerous and potentially fatal diseases in their bodies. In case you contract them from them, this could become a difficult situation. 3. Wild Animals are not Made to Be DomesticatedSome animals are not made to be domesticated. Humans have been domesticating cats and dogs for centuries. Due to this, these animals make ideal emotional support animals and pets. One thing that should be mentioned here, you’ll be allowed to take your dog to the workplace only if you can present an emotional support dog letter or an ESA letter. Domestication is a lifelong process and this has been ingrained into their DNA as they are bred to be our companions. Alligators, snakes, lions and other animals are not bred to live with us. They lack the DNA mutation needed for domestication and this is why they are not fit to bring home. 4. Wild Animals cannot live in ConfinementThese animals have special needs and you cannot keep them in confinement. They are made to live in the wild and this is why they cannot live in our places and habitat. They have special needs like hunting to survive and for food. This, they learn from their own kind only. Moreover, they need a place to roam and live freely. Most of these animals could grow quite large in size, which makes them even difficult to manage. 5. They cannot be an ESAAnd we are not talking about the illegal aspect only. An ESA provides emotional and psychological support to its owner. Do you think an animal with special and extravagant needs will be able to do it? Instead of them providing you with support, you will be worried about their size and your protection. The situation could be quite weird and this is why steering clear of them is the better way of dealing with it. An ESA letter is a must to bring your animal home and checking an ESA letter sample is a great way of making sure that you get the real thing. Useful Resources:5 DIY Remedies to Cure your Dog's Skin Problems5 Home Cleaning Tips for People Living with an ESABringing an ESA Home? Consider thesee things first5 Reasons to Give Pumpkin and Cinnamon to your DogWhich Is The Best ESA For Small Living Place?