Obstruction of vas deferens is one reason for male infertility. sometimes, the block of vas deferens has no obvious symptoms. What causes the blocked vas deferens? this answers is in fllowing. 1. Congenital malformation. Epididymis absents the head, body and tail. Vas deferens absents a segment or completely. vas deferens and epididymis is not connected, epididymis, vas deferens or seminal vesicle are dysplasia and so on. 2. Reproductive system tumors. Such as epididymal tumors, seminal cyst tumors, prostate tumors caused by compression resulting in obstruction of the lumen and so on, which can cause obstruction of the vas deferens. 3. Reproductive system damage. If the varicocele, spermatic cord tumor after surgery vas deferens injury, hernia repair, epididymal seminal cyst, epididymal sperm pill hydrocele surgery, can injure the epididymis; prostate surgery can cause ejaculatory duct orifice occlusion. Or there was no injury during the operation, but after the operation, scar was left, which make the vas deferens are compressed or even deformed. 4. Bacterial virus infection. Because some bacteria, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, infect the reproductive system, they damage the seminiferous and vas deferens of the epididymis, alter the composition of the seminal plasma, and cause obstruction of the vas deferens. 5. Inflammatory infection. Inflammation caused by urethritis can lead to infect vas deferens, obstruct vas deferens, damage sperm. which can cause male infertility.