Infertility due to endometriosis can be treated with traditional Chinese medicine or combination of Chinese and Western medicine. In addition, we can also fundamentally adjust through diet therapy in our daily life. The most important point in the diet therapy is to supplement deficiency and replenish qi, keep the balance of Qi and avoid blood blocked. What can we eat to relieve this disease? 1. In the treatment of endometriosis infertility, patients should eat more food for nourishing qi . It can help blood circulation and relieve pain. It is especially suitable for those suffer from Endometriosis with less Qi and blood deficiency. 2. Dried fruits are can be eated at any time. Health care is blood, walnut Warm Yang, jujube and longan is supplementing qi and nourishing blood. 3. Poultry, eggs, fish and fish are generally edible. Patients with Qi and blood of deficiency use food to nourish Qi and blood. the effect is better. 4. Cereals, beans and potatoes can be eaten as a staple food. Patients have no need to avoid them. 5. In addition to avoid wind and cold, scallion is beneficial to dredging liver meridian. Auricularia auricula has the function of blood, and it can also eat more. Here are several brief introductions of dietary recipe for endometriosis, we can choose the appropriate treatment according to their specific circumstances. 1. Rose flower soup. Chinese rose 15g, brown sugar. water them together, and drink it. It suitable for qi stagnation and blood stasis that cause infertility. 2. Hawthorn carbon 30g, brown sugar 30g, sunflower 15g. water them together, make 2 small bowls soup, drink it in a day with 2 times. It is suitable for blood stasis type of dysmenorrhea. 3. Actinolite and cow’s kidney of porridge. 30 grams of Actinolite of stone is wrapped in gauze, and 1.5 litres of water are decocted for 1 hours. Clarifying Decoction, Add 1 grams of beef’s kidney, 50 grams of rice, water, make gruel as usual, Add salt and condiment before eating, One day one time. Treating endometriosis due to Yang deficiency and blood stasis. Patients who suffer from infertility with endometriosis, Besides the treatment of conbine traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, they can also through the above dietary treatment methods to have better effects.