Who wants to work with their nose to the grindstone, their shoulder to the wheel and their ears to the ground? for one thing it's a very uncomfortable position to work! For another I don't believe your posture will help your brain flow with creative ideas. Before I tell you my effective work posture let me just briefly explain what I do for a living.I'm a writer, author of a novel, Black Water, and two personal development books, Steps to Greater Happiness and Be the Hero in your Own Life. Now you might think as a writer I sit at a desk all day with a pen or a laptop and write page after page, but that's not the case. And here is my second secret.I work my hardest when I'm flat out, on the couch, bed or floor. I solve more problems, write more dialogue and create much better ideas for plots when I'm not sitting upright bashing away at the keyboard. It's a bit like when you go to bed and suddenly remember something you should have done earlier in the day, it's tapping into the subconscious and working efficiently and not hard.But I know most of you probably don't work in that kind of environment. You work in a busy office where you're practically chained to a desk. So what do you do? Sit in a park at lunch, listen to the birds, listen to the sounds of people walking by, chill out and then ask yourself what you need to do. Take an extended coffee break, lock yourself in a toilet cubicle and take five. If a colleague comes looking for you tell them you're on your creative thrown, problem solving!So, the keys to creating success with ease are: find work you love and try out my method of working efficiently. Neil Millar writes monthly articles for Unstoppable Life's FREE newsletter. He invites you to join the fast growing newsletter aimed at people who want to find greater rewards in their work and more energy in their home-life.When you sign-up for the newsletter you get a copy of the e-book, Steps to Greater Happiness, as a way of saying welcome and thanks for joining.