Amongst all the people who turn up for a single job, you should be able to decide which person would be a profitable choice and would not hurt China Ring Gears Manufacturers the company in the long run. All these things have to be kept in mind while appointing a fire marshal. This job is really demanding, so it requires all the more patience while choosing the right person. You need to figure out how competent a person is and how well he would react in stressful situations. All these things can make the decision a tough one. When you are looking for the person most suited for this job, you need to be aware of all the requirements that person must have. You also should be aware of the different tasks that a fire marshal may have to perform. The major things that he has to do is to oversee how the work is being done, insuring that there is no hazard to the people. He also has to train the employees, making them efficient and telling them how and what has to be done under different situations. All the equipments are under his supervision, so he has to see that everything is in order and in working condition. And in case of an emergency, it is up to him to insure that the people are safe. All these are different duties that a warden has to perform at all times. After you are aware of all of these, you should think about the different qualities that the person should have. The basic are that he should be calm and confident, and he should also pay attention to details. He should be a good leader and must keep his cool in the most stressful of situations. It is a very important job, so the person chosen should be willing to give his all to it. It cannot be taken lightly.