About three to five years back, we could not imagine all these types of machines and equipment that are available for treating patients and that too with effective results. For instance, it has become possible for infertile couples to conceive and give birth through the natural method of reproduction, maximum of the patient tests and monitoring can be easily done at home without the need for regular visits to the doctors clinic. Vital signs monitor is a recent development that helps in tracking a patients vital signs. These monitors can be selected to include any and every vital sign including blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature and pulse oximetry. There are basically three different categories into which vital monitors can be classified, namely spot, procedure and Cpu Holder Manufacturers . Each monitor serves their own purpose and can be used according to the requirements of every patient. Spot monitors are used during an emergency when you need to know the vital signs of the patient instantly. It is a best way to ensure success in a lifesaving emergency as the most critical function of these types of monitors is to provide instant reading which helps in diagnosing the problem easily and hence giving an effective and immediate treatment. Procedure signs monitors are used prior to an operation or a procedure, during the event and after. The major benefit of these machines is accuracy of the measurements blood pressure, temperature and heart rhythm. Another invention in the field of medical science is resting ECG, which is a frequently used cardiac diagnostic test to provide a reading or record of how the heart performs at rest. This test helps in determining a wide range of heart conditions. It records the rate and rhythm of the heart by producing a graph, which shows a particular type of pattern. This test lets your doctor evaluate the condition of your heart, particularly irregular heart rhythm, supply of blood and oxygen to the heart and your overall cardiovascular condition. It is also useful as it is used to monitor patients after an angioplasty, stent insertionimg src="