Flat polishing machine contains no silicones, fillers or waxes so you know that the finish you are achieving is genuine. polishing machine spreads over the surface nice and and evenly and a small amount seems to go a long way. The polish does an excellent job of removing paint imperfections, especially when used in conjunction with a stainless steel stainless steel itss and can even be used to successfully remove wet sanding marks and bird dropping etchings.A great product for helping to bring heavily abused paintwork back to life, Sonus SFX-1 Restore Polish is very effective at removing scratches, swirl marks, oxidation and other surface imperfections but will not give a fully restored finish on its own. However, when polishing machine is used in conjunction with the other Sonus SFX paint polishing products which will further refine and restore the finish polishing machine gives excellent results, with a deep crystal clear and defect free finish on any colour or type of paint.One of the most important things you will need to know first is, what type of floor finish do you already have? Certain finishes should not be polished and you will want to look over your china polishing machine manufacturers instructions first.When To PolishDetermining whether you need apply wax or polish to your wood floor is pretty easy. I recommend taking a few drops of water and sprinkling them on your floor. Wait a minute or two and then see what happened. If polishing machine beaded up, then your finish is fine and you can polish to brighten polishing machine up.If the water soaked into the wood, then you'll need to refinish the floor.How To Apply Hardwood Floor PolishBasically, you have two options for applying polish; one is by hand and the other is with a machine.polishing machine for stainless steel your floor by hand is going to require a lot of elbow grease. Yes, polishing machine works great, but I recommend going the machine route.Web:http://www.cnpolishing.com.