2021年香港IB畢業生、學業猛進經驗!得她同意、在此公開。學業有成要先有健康----要對自己好一點看了標題你能會質疑我的概念。你會反駁「那新聞上報道過不少患病有缺陷的學生榜上有名啊!」,或甚至「那麼像霍金一樣,都動不了,還有能力影響物理和天文界?」。唉,“健康“這個詞難解釋。世衛組織對“健康” (health) 的定義是「在體質、心理,和社交上處於“完整”的狀態,而不僅是缺乏疾病」。可能你又會質疑「我天生瘸了條腿不就永遠不健康?」,又或者「我是完美主義者。我永遠不覺得這些條件能達到“完整”狀態的。我可不就一生健康不了?」沒錯,很多各種各類的定義都可説是錯漏百出的。但我們會發現“體質”、“心理”、“社交”原來互相牽連。作為一個學生不但分數要爭取,健康也是要靠自己爭取。要“健康”可是要對自己好一點就是了。幾年前我就爭取了一個令我健康的機會。2019年中,我在學校碰見了余醫師,接觸了針灸。在暈針(可能是身體太差了 )前的5分鐘我有所體會。呼吸好像暢順了幾倍。第二天長跑訓練快了一分半鐘。雖然怕暈針,但那效果太神奇了,我覺得再試一下,一探究竟。在一次針灸過程中,余醫師的一句話令我體會到了健康三元素的關係:「可能針灸未能讓你變聰明,但畢竟人健康了,開心、有自信了,做了不一樣的決定, 極可能令 你的未來 變得更好」。初中會考期間有空,我便多找時間針灸,養好身體應考。初期效果特別明顯。主要是睡得更好,逐漸人精神了許多,自然溫習得更有成效,自然地想跟同學深究考題和知識。體質、心理、社交上因爲幾次針灸有了改善。當然,學業也上進了不少,考到理想的成績(有幾科的D變成A)。兩年後大考IB心情比初中的會考緊張了很多。因為初期模擬考試尚未熟悉課題和考試技巧,預期分比年級平均分低(34分,總分45分)。見同學分數比我優秀,又到了考大學的階段,壓力導致睡得不好、雙眼疲累等狀況都時常出現。放溫書假有空我回想到兩年前針灸所帶給我的改善,決定再找余醫師。這一年的效果更顯著。還記得有一次針灸後去補習中心練習試卷(針灸完太舒服,心身舒暢,在地鐵睡着,忘了下車)做卷子時的似乎思考和回憶知識的速度快了。我真不知道如何解釋那種感覺了。之後幾次去針灸,我特意詢問余醫師考前有哪些可按摩的穴位,希望能在考前把自己帶入最佳狀態。記得有一天要連續考三份長卷。在第二份的派卷期間不知是否緊張或是疲累所致,胸骨正中間猶如被綁住了,一陣陣麻痹的感覺,兩邊肩膊也傳來崩緊的痛楚。這些症狀從來沒有出現過,擔心會影響考試,一時有點驚慌失措。我模糊記得平時針灸的幾處穴位,便馬上趁考試還未開始,用手指按摩了胸前正中央的膻中穴、虎口的合谷和肩井穴嘗試讓心跳平穩下來、調節血壓會和消除肩頸的不適。尤其是膻中穴,揉了一會兒悶氣迅速消散了,我逐漸回覆了狀態應考。考試期間每周針灸配合每天練習試卷、溫習等我把34分的預期分推到42分(差一分能取得“探花”之稱)讓我喜出望外,驚呆了老師和同學。被問到我如何進步了8分,我回應「我當考試是一場比賽,我是個運動員。我把時間花在密集性的訓練(溫習做卷子),其餘時間在休息、修復上(睡眠、針灸、吃健康的食物、運動等)。」不只是考試體育比賽,相同道理應用在考試、工作等。健康在生活中不可缺少,説到底還是要靠自己爭取的。這次考試真是一個大突破。我可說是嘗到了中醫術的精髓了,又或者我只體驗到最皮毛的效果,我不知道。考試的優秀成績部分靠了體質的改變、自信的提升。這不就組合成所謂的“健康”嗎?每周的針灸豈能被指爲毫無建樹?作為讀生物學、化學的學生,有時要我解釋一些針灸的原理我可能無能為力 。但這傳千年的醫術,你倒要體會一下。畢竟健康、是你的萬丈高樓的地基!- 黃Academic advancement must be based on health.2021 Hong Kong IB graduates, academic advancement experience!With her consent, I am publishing it here.To be successful in school, you must first have good health - be kind to yourselfAfter reading the title, you may question my concept. You will retort, "The news reports that many students with diseases and defects are on the list!", or even "So like Hawking, who can't move, but still has the ability to influence the world of physics and astronomy?". Alas, the word "health" is difficult to explain. The WHO defines health as “a state of physical, mental and social completeness and not merely the absence of disease”. Maybe you will question "I was born with a lame leg, so won't I never be healthy?", or "I am a perfectionist. I will never think that these conditions can achieve a "complete" state. Will I never be healthy throughout my life?" Yes, many of the various definitions are full of errors. But we will find that "physique", "psychology" and "social interaction" are actually related to each other. As a student, not only do you have to strive for grades, but you also have to strive for your own health. To be "healthy" you just have to be kind to yourself.A few years ago I took an opportunity to get healthy. In mid-2019, I met Dr. Yu at school and came into contact with acupuncture. I had some experience 5 minutes before I fainted from the injection (maybe due to poor health). Breathing seems to be easier. The next day's long-distance running training was faster by a minute and a half. Although I was afraid of fainting from the needle, the effect was so amazing that I decided to try it again to find out. During an acupuncture session, Dr. Yu’s words made me realize the relationship between the three elements of health: “Acupuncture may not make you smarter, but after all, people become healthier, happier, more confident, and make different decisions. It will most likely change your future for the better.” When I had free time during the junior high school entrance exam, I found more time for acupuncture to take good care of myself for the exam. The initial effect is particularly obvious. The main reason is that I sleep better and gradually become more energetic. Naturally, my review becomes more effective, and I naturally want to study the test questions and knowledge in depth with my classmates. My physical, psychological, and social aspects have improved after several sessions of acupuncture. Of course, I have also improved a lot academically and achieved ideal results (Ds in several subjects turned into A).Two years later, I was much more nervous when I took the IB exam for college than for the general exam in junior high school. Because the initial mock exam is not yet familiar with the topics and exam techniques, the expected score is lower than the grade average (34 points, total score 45 points). I saw that my classmates had better scores than me, and it was time to take the college entrance examination. Stress often caused problems such as poor sleep and tired eyes. During my study break, I recalled the improvement that acupuncture brought to me two years ago and decided to see Dr. Yu again. This year the effect is even more significant. I still remember one time I went to a tutoring center to practice test papers after acupuncture (I felt so comfortable after acupuncture that I fell asleep on the subway and forgot to get off the train). When I was doing the test papers, I seemed to think and recall knowledge faster. I really don't know how to explain that feeling. After several acupuncture visits, I specifically asked Dr. Yu what acupuncture points could be massaged before the exam, hoping to bring myself into the best state before the exam. I remember one day I had to take three long papers in a row. During the second handout period, I don’t know whether it was due to nervousness or fatigue. The middle of my sternum seemed to be tied up. I felt numb in waves, and there was also a tight pain in both shoulders. These symptoms have never appeared before, and I was worried that it would affect the exam, so I was a little panicked. I vaguely remembered a few acupuncture points that I usually used for acupuncture, so I immediately used my fingers to massage the Tanzhong point in the center of my chest, the Hegu point at the tiger's mouth, and the Jianjing point in an attempt to calm my heartbeat, regulate my blood pressure, and eliminate shoulder pain before the exam started. Neck discomfort. Especially the Tanzhong point, after rubbing it for a while, the stuffiness quickly dissipated, and I gradually returned to the state of taking the exam. During the exam period, weekly acupuncture combined with daily practice test papers, review, etc. pushed my expected score from 34 points to 42 points (one point shy of being awarded the title of "Third Prize"). I was overjoyed and shocked the teachers and classmates. When asked how I improved by 8 points, I responded, "I treat the exam as a competition, and I am an athlete. I spend my time on intensive training (reviewing and writing papers), and the rest of my time on rest and recovery (sleeping, Acupuncture, eating healthy food, exercising, etc.). "Not just for exams and sports competitions, the same principle applies to exams, work, etc. Health is indispensable in life. In the final analysis, you still have to fight for it yourself.This exam was really a big breakthrough. I can say that I have tasted the essence of traditional Chinese medicine, or maybe I have only experienced the most superficial effects, I don’t know. Excellent results in exams partly depend on physical changes and increased self-confidence. Doesn’t this combine into what is called “health”? How can weekly acupuncture be said to have achieved nothing? As a student studying biology and chemistry, sometimes I may not be able to explain some principles of acupuncture. But you have to experience this medical skill that has been passed down for thousands of years. After all, health is the foundation of your tall building!- yellow