In 1971, the nation was moved and shamed by the "Crying Indian," a craggy-faced Native American who served as the central figure in a commercial produced by the anti-littering group Keep America Beautiful. Grocers liked them because they were much cheaper than paper - a plastic bag costs about 1 cent to produce, compared to 5 cents for paper - but their use was not intuitive. Bag manufacturers conducted certain training sessions for supermarket baggers on how to pack the new sacks to achieve an orderly result. Some people said that the plastic bags looked trashy. The paper manufacturers tried to leverage such sentiments in their doomed battle against plastic plastic flower pot saucer coming hegemony. Industry flacks pointed out that plastic bags flopped over in your car trunk, and could bang against your legs when you were walking. They reminded the public that paper bags are good for protecting book covers (again with the school books!) and making Halloween masks. They - along with many environmental and civic groups - made the case that plastic bags were bad for the environment.But the environmental case wasn't airtight: Plastic-bag manufacturers countered such claims, arguing that the widespread use of paper bags destroyed trees (hence, the grocery clerk's entreaty to "save a tree"), created vast quantities of pollution and consumed far more energy, during the manufacturing process as well as in transport. On the other hand, Paper is more biodegradable than plastic. Plastic bags take much longer to degrade (not biodegrade) than paper bags. According to a study, polyethylene will take more than 20 years to degrade. According to the UN, 10% of the plastic produced every year ends up landing in the ocean, 70% of which ends up on the ocean floor where it will likely never degrade. Plastic bags are extremely harmful for aquatic animals as they can block the entrance to the stomach and cause starvation including sea turtles, whales and sea birds. Some animals confuse plastic bags with jellyfish or other food and consume them which ultimately lead to suffocation and choking. Plastics bags surround us in various forms. Though they have a number of benefits, but the hazards of plastics to human health and to the ecosystems cannot be ruled out. Today # plastic can be found in ever-greater quantity in garbage dumps, landfills and Oceans of the world. It will not be wrong to say that they are virtually present inside every one of us- present in our blood and urine in measureable amounts, ingested with the food we eat, the water we drink and from other sources.Studies have shown that two classes of plastic-related chemicals namely bisphenol-A or BPA are of critical concern for human health. BPA is a basic building block of polycarbonate plastics, such as those used for bottled water, food packaging and other items. Once people start understanding there's a consequence for where these products go after they're in their hands for 10 minutes, people can be made to understand more about how to consume and how to live more sustainably. Pico Bags is the largest online retailer and supplier of Plastic Carrier Bags . Available at the most competitive prices, in the market. We give home delivery services with on time delivery, every time you order from us. We also have a huge selection of Brown Paper Bags other types of classic and stylish bags. Check our site for more information and variety.