這個農曆新年, 當你有多點時間坐在電視機前,你有沒有發現電視上多了不少政府的宣傳片?電視宣傳片包括電視廣告,或API,Announcement in Public lnterest。例如,半官方的香港國際機場恭祝你回到家真是好,代表民政事務處的社會企業(社企)也會在這個時節祝福你新春快樂, 食物及衛生局局長呼籲我們常懷正面能量等等。 我不期然發現,這個農曆新年期間政府的宣傳比往年明顯增加了不少。畢竟,在這屆行政長官競選期間, 各政策、行政部門 也搶先發放不少宣傳片,宣傳自己的政策,或者借機爭取曝光率。 是否還是加上政務司司長已換人,由林鄭月娥變為張建宗之胡? 若細心觀察,不難發現張建宗是一個勤奮、且敢於發表意見、願意跟市民溝通的高官。 不論何故,當政府多了跟市民溝通,帶領香港向前,帶來正能量,總是一件美事啊。 During this Chinese New Year, do you notice there are more and more TV commercials of the government bureaus/ departments (B/D) (or it is known as API, Announcements in the Public Interest, in the government). For instance, HK International Airport (a semi-government organization, though) wishes you that it’s good to be at home again, Social Enterprises represented by Home Affairs Department wish you all the best in this festival, Secretary for Food and Health promotes the positive thinking, etc. My feeling is that the number of these APIs during the CNY has been increasing very noticeably when compared with all few previous years. Is it related to the marketing/ promotional strategies of different bureaus or departments amid this CE election contest? After all, the heads of various B/D needs to be exposed and chosen by the CE contestants, right? Or is it because of the change of Chief Secretary from Ms. Carrie Lam to Mr. Cheung Kin Chung as Mr. Cheung has been seen more publicly and seen more outspoken? Anyhow, as the government is willing to have more communication with the citizens and communities, promotes the positive attitudes, it is always a good matter.