我在2015年加入政府,由於我職系新入職公務員同事的試用期為三年,因此直至現在,我還距離完成試用期尚餘一年, 我希望可以平安、有為地過渡吧,嘻嘻~~ 然而,我想我是頗幸運的,因為我一些朋友在我加入了政府以前已在政府工作,而且在我加入政府後 ,我也認識了不少朋友,我十分感激他們常常給我溫馨的忠告,提醒我在一些細小的事情上要多加留意。同時,我對這些提醒亦能舉一反三,多加反思。這些小事包括,保密(confidential)的信封要放進上鎖的櫃裏,不要隨便放在桌上。又例如我們亦如何正確地寫目錄頁,好讓同事和「後人」 容易一點找到文件,又例如如何用有禮貌的言詞和用政府的用語寫內部電郵。(我會在以後的文章中分享這些和其他的點點滴滴。) 自入職以來,我有品德上和防貪上的訓練,因而我對收受利益有很高的防犯意識。ICAC亦經常辦講座,教導我們公務員如何防止貪污。他們說,如果要驗證一些事情是否有行賄性質,我們可以用「陽光測試」來驗証。即是說,如果我們可以坦坦白白地把這件事情告訴任何一個我們身邊的人,這便證明了這些事情是「見得光」、 大概沒有貪污的成分了。 我非常同意為官清廉的重要性,如果公務員收受越多利益(無論這些利益是無形名譽,或是有形的金錢或禮物), 對於我們的工作是便愈見負面影響的。 這些影響在我們作出道德、對錯的評價時尤為甚者。 香港已回歸中國二十年了, 雖然期間受大陸的耳濡目染多了,但是大陸打虎的情況也屢見不鮮。 期間在港有曾特首受審,前政務司司長因收受利益而坐牢,長官不聽下屬意見仍堅持出席典禮, 可見法治精神動搖了不少,因此,有道德的、顧及所有市民利益的決定尤為重要。( 縱然公務員要政治中立,但是個人而言,希望下一屆特首選舉的勝出者是一個有道德有正義感的人。) I joined the government bureau since 2015. As the probation period for new recruits is 3 years, there'll be about one year to go before completing my probation period and work/ serve to be a civil servant in the permanent term. Yet, I deem I am lucky enough to know some personal friends who joined the government much earlier than me and I made some friends in the government ever since my joining. So, I always appreciate their warm reminders and advice on some tiny but invaluable matters. This type of advice could be as small as keeping the confidential envelopes in the drawers but not on one's desk, how to write minutes sheets (the table of content page of the files), how to write politely in Notes mail with proper government language, etc. (All this will be shared in other entries later.) With the training of integrity and anti-corruption, I have the high awareness of not breaking the rules and regulations of receiving benefits. ICAC taught the civil servants that the rule to prevent corruption is to check the matters with the sunlight checking. That is to say, if the matter can be easily shared with anybody I know, it proves to be alright and not against the bribery law. I agree that the more benefits (in honors' or monetary terms), the greater adverse effect on the impartiality in my work. And they may have some adverse effect when I make my moral judgment. It has been 20 years since the transfer of sovereignty of HKSAR. Despite the bad effect from the mainland China, the mainland authority has also taken widespread measures to fight corruption. In these few years in HK, it was reported that former CE is being interrogated in the court, the former CS has been put into jail for receiving benefits, and it is heard that some seniors insist to attend the ceremonies and disregarded their subordinates' advice. These show the importance of morality, integrity and regarding the interests of the community first. (In spite of the neutrality that civil servants should hold, I personally hold the belief that the winner of next CE contest will be a moral, righteous person to lead our place forward.)