有關我的BNO Visa由於我係1997年後出世,我並無BNO。但係我男朋友就係1997年前出世,佢就有BNO喇。所以,喺申請BNO上,我係以 Unmarried Partner 嘅身份作為dependant跟住我男朋友一齊申請嘅。BN(O) dependant 同BNO visa無乜分別,都俾左當時人進入英國嘅權利,同埋喺英國兩年半或5年嘅居留權。BN(O) dependant都可以喺英國工作,同BNO主申請人無異。咩係Dependant?Dependant 係指非常依賴BNO Visa主申請人的照顧的受撫養人,他們須通常與BNO Visa主申請人同住,並且沒有BNO,例子包括:未婚伴侶、18 歲或以上的子女(及其伴侶或 18 歲以下的孩子)等等 (https://www.gov.uk/british-national-overseas-bno-visa/your-family-members)咩係Unmarried Partner? 未婚伴侶?跟據Home Office官網,Partners唔一定要係正式結婚,唔一定要有民事或官方證明,只要係「in a relationship and have been living with their partner for at least 2 years when they apply」,啫係話一齊拍拖,加上同居至少兩年,就可以喇。所以,如果你好似我咁,自己1997年後出世,無BNO,但係男朋友或者女朋友有BNO,都可以試下用Unmarried Partner Dependant嘅身份去申請下BNO。點樣證明呢段關係?其他家庭成員關係(子女,夫妻等)都可以用正式或者一D官方文件去證明Dependant同主申請人間嘅關係,可以睇番前一篇。但係未婚伴侶就複雜D,要靠自己整理下D合照、地址證明信、出入境紀錄等等,再整合寫成一封信俾Home Office嘅人去解釋同證明俾佢睇。一封致Home Office嘅解釋信要點寫?第一部分:開始及簡介Dear Officer, I am writing to explain my relationship with 伴侶嘅全名(跟佢BNO Passport) (his BNO passport number is 伴侶嘅BNO Passport number , his BNO visa unique application number is 伴侶嘅BNO visa unique application number ) who is my unmarried partner and I am his dependant for this British nationals (overseas) visa application. 第二部分:伴侶關係的開始 Beginning of the RelationshipWe started our relationship in 開始拍拖嘅年份月份 . We have been together for more than 一齊左幾多年 years until present. 第三部分:同居的證明由於Home Office係要你證明到同居至少兩年,所以如果無同居兩年嘅證明,可能就要解釋番:點解證明唔到,或者點解無同居。點解證明唔到:我個情況係,我有銀行信用卡係用男朋友屋企地址,但最早嘅銀行月結單直到申請前只係得1年,並唔夠Home Office要求嘅兩年。所以,我就係解釋番點解證明唔到。以下係我嘅解釋,有需要可以參考番。Living Together We started living together in 開始一齊住嘅年份月份 when we believed our relationship was stable enough. (講番係邊個嘅屋企、邊個嘅物業、各人住咗喺個度幾耐)The place we are living together is my boyfriend's home which is owned by him and he has been living here for XX years. The address is 地址 . (呢一段就講番點解我地同居咗,但都無超過兩年嘅地址證明。我就係因為D信一直寄緊番去我舊時同父母一齊住嘅屋,直到出嚟做嘢後先發現有需要update番最新嘅地址,所以先改左地址去同居地址。)This address is the same as the one in my partner's BNO visa application. I have address proof of this address but it is not from 2 years ago. This is because I did not change my residential address in the banks until recently. I had been using my childhood home’s address for all my banks for a long time. I had no problem accessing those mails because my parents are still living there and I could get my mails during weekend visits. Moreover, most of my bank mails, i.e. bank statements, are in electronic forms that are emailed to me instead of physical mail. It was not until after my graduation and starting my first job, I then felt the need to change my addresses for better management of salary and utility bills etc.Therefore, I could only provide you the earliest address proof with date: 最早嘅地址證明日期 .(最早嘅地址證明嘅screenshot)Here is the address proof of 伴侶嘅全名 :(伴侶最近嘅地址證明嘅screenshot)點解無同居:如果你係無同居,都唔代表Home Office一定唔批,可以參考番以下Youtuber嘅解釋,同樣得到Home Office認可,獲批BNO Dependant visa。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7t_WdGEBiq0&t=60s第四部分:證明感情非常穩定由於我地並唔可以用D民事或官方文件去證明到呢段關係,所以要用相、旅遊出入境紀錄等去證明呢段關係。相Tips:用post過喺社交媒體嘅相,e.g. Facebook/ Instagram/ Blog,我會screenshot社交媒體搵到張相個版,因為post過上社交媒體嘅會有埋日期記錄,更加可信揀D可以識認到年份嘅相,例如:畢業合照,因為可以講番係邊一年畢業,咁張相都會係嗰一年影其中一個proof一定要係你地最早最早期一齊嘅記錄,咁可以證明你地真係一齊咗咁耐同其他人嘅大合照,最好係某一邊嘅家庭聚會,證明段關係真係好認真(如果張相好多人,我會用小畫家圈住我同男朋友,方便Officer睇)每張相嘅proof都會用以下呢種format:日期:年份月份就OK簡短解釋一下張相:講下張相係咩場合影、張相入面仲有邊個人相/ screenshotLink:如果張相係post過喺社交媒體,可以放埋link喺度比佢去fact check旅遊出入境紀錄Tips:其中一個proof一定要係你地最早最早期一齊嘅記錄,咁可以證明你地真係一齊咗咁耐喺passport入面,一頁可能會多過一個入境印仔,我會用小畫家圈住講緊嗰個,方便Officer睇每個旅遊出入境紀錄嘅proof都會用以下呢種format:到訪國家入境日期(年月日) 自己名:(自己Passport顯示入境印仔嗰頁嘅相 )伴侶名:(伴侶Passport顯示相同入境印仔嗰頁嘅相 )我自己就提供咗分別6張相類嘅proof,同埋4個旅遊出入境嘅proof,用列表形式寫喺信入面。Proof of our stable relationship similar to a marriage or civil partnershipPhotos:1.2.3.Travel Records:My passport used for BNO visa application: 自己Passport number (自己Passport有相嗰頁嘅相)Another passport with travel records: 自己另一本Passport number (自己另一本Passport有相嗰頁嘅相)My partner also has 2 passports and please refer to below.BNO passport: 伴侶BNO Passport number (伴侶Passport有相嗰頁嘅相)HKSAR passport with most of the travel records: 伴侶HKSAR Passport number (伴侶HKSAR Passport有相嗰頁嘅相)1.2.3.第五部分:總結To conclude, 伴侶嘅全名(跟佢BNO Passport) and I have been together in a committed relationship for a long while now (more than 一齊左幾多年 years). We have not gotten married because we think we are still young and do not need to rush into such a huge life decision. Nevertheless, our relationship is very stable and similar to a marriage or civil partnership. All the proofs and content provided in this document are the true reflection of our relationship. I sincerely hope that this letter will be helpful for you in reviewing my BNO visa application. Thank you and I am willing to provide more information if further requested. Yours faithfully, 自己嘅全名 Home Office叫我補交文件證明關係之後,我3日內交完,再等多一個星期左右就批咗喇。祝各位申請順利成功!