接近黃昏時,我們開始遊覽位於山腳的稻田,廣闊而金黃的稻海教人大感驚訝,美得很,將整天的倦意全消,在吊橋下望著鄉民攜老扶幼準備來一個浸浴,樂也融融的,媽媽們就在旁邊洗衣服,水牛也一同浸浴水中,只探頭露上水面,十分有趣。 As the sun fell lower, we arrived at massive land of rice fields. Broad and golden harvest land has absolutely amazed me, totally stunning view and it totally swept away all tiredness of the day. That was the time for local families to take a river bath to celebrate the end of day together. Mothers were busy with laundry and even buffalos needed a full bath only showing their head and horns above surface. It was such a memorable and interesting scene! 我讓相片解說一切。I let my photographs speak more. 點擊圖片放大 +10 飯後我們被邀參觀當地女生民族舞蹈練習,他們在明年一月將會參加地區表演。女生們都很年輕,十來歲的青澀少女純真地跟著大姐姐隨著音樂就跳出八個八拍來……有的已十分純熟、有的則入神學著跟著,十分用心! Post-dinner we were invited to watch local dancing group rehearsal. Those local girls would be performing at a local show. Most of them are adolescent following big sisters’ rhythm and movements. Some of them already knew it so well and some of them were attentive to follow and learn.