印象中從沒有如此接近農村生活,這三天所見都感到新鮮,這裡沒有城市那種急速及冷漠的風氣,令我感覺舒泰又放鬆,希望下次有機會再多看一些! This is by far the most rural experience I’ve had in life and everything I encountered was fresh to me. Feeling relaxed and blessed and not having a sense of bustle or affectlessness at all. Definitely would love to see more like this next time. 第二晚的民宿只位於山腳,叫Gao Hone。Gao Hone, the village we stayed for second night was located lower hill. 第二晚的民宿只位於山腳,叫Gao Hone。Gao Hone, the village we stayed for second night was located lower hill. 竹製板,在緬甸被廣泛用作建築物料。而太陽能發電在區內亦算普遍。Bamboo woven boarding is widely used in building, and solar panels are too rare in these rural areas. 晨光浸浴Morning soak 放牛,印象中是第一次親眼見Cow-walking, never seen it before in life 放牛,印象中是第一次親眼見Cow-walking, never seen it before in life 鄰近皎梅市郊的風景Views around country side of Kyaukme 鄰近皎梅市郊的風景Views around country side of Kyaukme 以泥土搓成的子彈,趕牛用mud bullet for cows 小山上的圖畫- 春牛圖A picturesque scene on a small hill Joy 是我們的專業、有善性又風趣的行山嚮導Our professional, kind-hearted and funny hiking guide, Joy 皎梅鎮上的室內市場Indoor market at Kyaukme 皎梅鎮上我們入住的旅舍 Northern LodgeNorthern Lodge, the hostel we stayed in at Kyaukme 皎梅鎮上我們入住的旅舍 Northern LodgeNorthern Lodge, the hostel we stayed in at Kyaukme ========================================================== * * FACEBOOK Page : https://www.facebook.com/cherish.as.i.see.it * * * * FLICKR : https://www.flickr.com/photos/hytony/ * * ==========================================================