『一門慢工出細貨的傳統手藝』 蓮花纖維是世上最珍貴而罕有的紡織用料之一,也是緬甸茵萊湖上的珍寶。具備亞麻的外觀但如粗絲的質感。慢工出細貨,長長纖維需以人手慢慢抽取,眾多纖維轉聚過後成線,再用以紡織成不同衣物。一條圍巾則需使用四萬枝蓮花莖,而一尺的布叫價350美元!正因其稀罕的特質,蓮花纖維製成的衣物大多保留其淡竭的色調,絕少後天染色,以表現其上等品質及獨特的氣味。 “Slow is more— A fabulous handicraft in Myanmar” Lotus fibre is one of the world’s most precious and rare fabric materials and is the renowned treasure of Innle Lake, Myanmar. It carries a similar look as linen but has delicate fineness of raw silk. Intensive labour is involved to spin the fibre from stalks. A scarf made of lotus fibre takes 40,000 stalks and one foot of fabric would easily cost USD350! Garment using this fibre are commonly in its natural beige colour instead of artificial dying to offer the best quality and unique smell of this prestigious raw material.