海濱長廊景色十分優美,更不時散發海洋氣息The esplanade has great view of coastline and islands nearby with an appealing scent of ocean breeze 坪洲的歷史比香港島的歷史更長,早於開埠以前就是南中國海與內地的橋樑,貿易十分頻繁,所以島上不難遇上古早味濃的石房子。Peng Chau has even longer history than HK island. It once hosted frequent trade and was a stop-over port between South China Sea and mainland China. Hence it is not difficult to see old stone houses in Peng Chau. 前坪洲戲院是眾多離島中最大型的戲院,但隨著城市遷移,已經不復以前的風光,於數年前結業並空置,當然亦時有鬧鬼傳聞。The former Peng Chau cinema, was the largest one among outlying islands in HK. However operations was stopped a few years ago and abandoned as a result of urban migration. Haunted stories are not rare from then. 相關內容:珍視:坪洲天后行鄉 Cherish: Peng Chau Tin Hau Parade 珍視・更多 Cherish More