Everyone wants to know their personality in detail. There are many kinds of ways. Constellation is an important way to learn more about you. It is really popular to know each other through constellation. Here I will show some information about constellation for you who born in Mar. 21 to Sept. 23.ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20)In previous lifetimes, you always did the proper thing. You ate, dressed, worked, and lived in the way like other people. Regular living habits made you feel comfortable and natural, yet at times you went too far, going against your principles because others believed differently. Now you're meant to stand up and be counted. Your point of view, your chosen way of life, is just as valid as anyone else's.TAURUS (Apr. 21 - May 21)You are fond of every beautiful thing. But, you are so tightfisted that often you deprive yourself of them, even when you can afford it. After all, do you really need to buy that bestseller when you can get it at the library? In several lifetimes, you were, frankly, a miser. You lived like a pauper when you had plenty of money. Now, you need to accept that it's all right to enjoy nice things. They are part of the gifts of the Earth.GEMINI (May 22 - June 21)You are appealed by all simple things such as clouds, flowers, ripples on the creek. You could walk or sit for hours, observing whatever you encounter. Throughout many incarnations, you were a scholar, caught up in higher knowledge: law, philosophy, theology, science. You rarely took the time to notice the simple things – and the profound truths they represent. In this life, you're meant to notice them.CANCER (June 22 - July 22)You love your family, and there isn't a place on Earth you'd rather be. Your family is top priority and, as a result, you're very deeply loved. But you weren't always this way. There were lifetimes in which you cared about nothing but business. Whether you were a king, a merchant, or a simple farmer, you probably knew your associates better than you knew your family. This lifetime should balance the scales.LEO (July 23 - Aug. 22)Are you often teased because of your big ego? It's OK! You're meant to acknowledge your own magnificence now, because previous personalities were too busy taking care of the poor and downtrodden. You treated each and every one as if they were part of your own family. Now it's your turn. The secret is to be quietly aware of your strength without coming off as a braggart. You will find the world, and the people around you become lovelier.VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sept. 23)Priest, priestess, monk, nun, healer – you've been them all, dedicated to the spiritual life, retiring from the world, though willing to help others in their time of need. In this life, you may have found yourself cast into the world of mundane commerce. You're responsible for administration, management, personnel, and so on. You may still long for the cloister, but learn this lesson first.You must know much more about your personality now. Everyone have strengths as well as weaknesses. We should continue to play to my strengths, but also to remove inadequate.