The use of gnome figurines for decorative purposes for the garden has been widely practiced in different parts of the world especially in the European regions. Some people wonder of the reasons why put China cement handicrafts Companya gnome in your garden. The definite answer by garden gnome enthusiasts is that the presence of gnomes in the garden would help promote the natural growth of your plants. According to the folklore, the gnomes are known to be creatures that take care of the vegetation. They are believed to have good hands when it comes to growing plants. This concept is being implemented by gardening aficionados believing that this would effectively make their garden plants grow naturally.Putting aside fictional and mythological ideas, the reasons why put a gnome in your garden is that it can create a good impression on the overall look of the garden. There are several garden gnomes available on the market today such as vintage garden gnomes, state garden gnomes, funny garden gnomes and even those which support local sports or activities. These garden gnomes especially the funny garden gnomes add design and humor to your garden. Adding such designs to your garden would create a lively effect on the impression from your visitors. You may also integrate the right type of garden gnome that would fit the style and ambiance you need for your garden.Included animal concrete statue cement elephant statue in the reasons why put a gnome in your garden is that these garden ornaments help in promoting a cultural view on your home. The use of garden gnomes has been a cultural practice even during the early 1960s. There are even some vintage garden gnomes that have passed on several generations that are still on use today. These types of garden gnomes may serve as a gift especially those who are fond of decorating their garden. There are also some reasons why put a gnome in a garden is to signify your support to a local team or activity. There are some customized garden gnomes that are specifically designed with local brands and school logos in order to represent its owners affiliation and interests.In choosing the appropriate type of gnome for your garden, you may want to consider some factors that would affect the overall look once the ornaments are installed. If your yard has a wide space, you may want to consider selecting large garden gnomes. These gnomes which heights may reach up to 3 feet are excellent decorations for your garden. These garden ornaments are durable enough to withstand extreme conditions. In addition to the reasons why put a gnome in your garden is that these decorations last for a long time. Looking at it as an investment, the garden gnomes are excellent types of ornament you may want to use on your garden decoration plans. You may also want to consider it as a gift for your friends that are also garden enthusiasts. If they have existing garden gnomes at home, you may want to choose gnomes that may compliment their collection by selecting on some rare finds.