Some factories sorted CAT6 Cable manufacturers (10% nickel), copper concentrate and magnetic iron sulfurconcentrate from mixed concentrate. Nickel concentrate or mixed concentrate usuallyuse pyrometallurgy, produce the intermediate products - nickel matte, make copperand nickel enriched in sulfide form, and then refining and purifying to getnickel.The metal powder supplier smelting nickel havethree processes including roasting, smelting, blowing: `roasting, make part of the ironsulfide in concentrates be oxidized into iron oxide, emit a lot of heat, isbasically a self heated process, can use multiple hearth roaster, linear typesintering machine, a rotary kiln or fluidized calciner (boiling furnace). asmelting. Heating and melting theroasted ore and flux, remove the iron oxide and quartz flux slagging in roastedore, and remove part of the other impurities. The disulfide three nickel(Ni3S2), cuprous sulfide (Cu2S) and ferrous sulfide (FeS)in roasted ore formed a low-nickel matte, precious metals also included in it.Traditional smelting equipments have blast furnace, reverberatory furnace, in lowtariff areas or smelting the difficult furnaces materials can also be used electricfurnace. bblowing. blownthe air into the molten low nickel matte, make the ferrous sulfide be oxidizedinto ferrous oxide and react with quartz (SiO2) slagging, produce the nickel-richmatte which composed by disulfide nickel and cuprous sulfide. Its maincomponent is 70 to 75% of nickel and copper, sulfur 20 ~ 25%. Depending on the differentblowing system, the iron content is 0.5 to 3%, such as the iron contentdropping lower, the majority of cobalt in low ice nickel were into theconverter slag.The liquid nickel matte produced by blowingconverter through slow cooling for three days, in which the nickel sulfide,cuprous sulfide, and a small amount of copper-nickel alloy crystal segregatedrespectively. And then pulverized the high nickel matte to less than 280 mesh, firstusing magnetic separation method to separate a small amount of alloy, thenseparated by flotation, get the nickel sulfide and sulfide copper concentrate.About 90% of the platinum group metal enriched in the "alloy". The nickelsulfide by flotation can be made of metal nickel anode or nickel sulfide anode toelectrolytic refine, as described below:First metal nickel anode electrolysis is roastingnickel sulfide to nickel oxide, use furnace or reverberatory furnace to restoreand smelt produce crude nickel. Use this crude nickel as anode, pure nickelplate as the cathode, electrolysis in a diaphragm electrolyzer. Nickel sulfate(NiSO4) and nickel chloride (NiCl2) mixture as the electrolytic solution. Inorder to prevent the anode dissolved impurities precipitated in the anode,cathode and anode separated by separator. While electrolyzing, the cathode newliquid sent to cathode chamber, using the differential permeation of both sidesliquid surface of the diaphragm, through diaphragm to the anode chamber, the anolyteoutflow from the anode chamber by purifying, recycling.And then sulfide nickel anode electrolysis castnickel sulfide into anodes directly, electrolyzing in a diaphragm electrolyzer,the anode sulfides sulfur is oxidized to elemental sulfur, remain in the anodemud, and nickel ions into the solution, then deposited on the cathodeto with electrolyticnickel. The nickel sulfides electroysis cathode and anode current efficiency haslarge difference, need to add more nickel ions in the electrolyte. Otherprocesses are the same as the metal nickel anode electrolytic.During electrolysis, the anode copper,iron, cobalt and other impurities were into the electrolyte, therefore theanolyte from anode chamber need to purify. Generally use nickel powderreplacement precipitate to remove copper; blowing air make the iron oxidized andhydrolysis precipitated; blowing chlorine to make cobalt oxidized into highcobalt, plus NiCO3 or Na2CO3 to precipitate Co(OH)3. This precipitate is calledas cobalt slag, is an important raw material of mentioning cobalt.Source: