It was very challenging,” admitted Hart, who will go on to represent Canada at the World Technician Grand Prix in Iwata, Japan in October.” The 2018 Canadian Technician GP comprised nine different labs that challenged the technicians’ skillsets, from mechanical to electronic to customer service.”Rounding out the top three in this year’s Canadian competition were second-place Scott Szollos from Snow City Cycle & Marine (Toronto, ON) and third-place Patrick Gibson of Cycle Works Motorsports (Red Deer, AB).” “A huge part of Brett’s success was building on what he learned during previous Tech GP competitions, staying focused and understanding what the judges would be evaluating,” said Jeff Waite, Yamaha Motor Canada National Manager, Service. The Pan America will be built around a new liquid-cooled 60-degree V-twin. On road or off.This morning, Harley-Davidson announced the new Pan America 1250 adventure bike, scheduled to hit the market in 2020.Harley-Davidson is going to build an adventure bike. Travel coast-to-coast.” Interesting times are ahead, for sure. Many of the components do look like something you’d see on a familiar adventure bike: trellis subframe, big wire wheels, skid plate, hand guards, etc.. The new liquid-cooled engine will be easier to tune for emissions reduction Each lab tested the knowledge, patience and attention to detail of Canada’s top techs, reflecting the talent required to provide the ultimate service experience to Yamaha customers.”When asked about what he expects from the competition in Japan, Hart was matter-of-fact