【恆春墾丁】親子同遊三天兩夜 是不是曾經帶著小朋友出來玩,但到哪他們都不喜歡呢,到底墾丁有哪些適合小朋友玩耍的地方,跟著我走吧 Is it hard to please your children when you travel with them? Let me show you some spots that are suitable for children. -------------------------------------------------- DAY1 莓洋洋草莓園>鹿境>白沙灣>貓鼻頭公園>墾丁大街 “Meiyangyang” Strawberry Plantation>”Paradise of Deer”>Baisha (White Sand Bay)>Maobitou Park>Kenting Road 親自採草莓吃草莓,是小朋友絕對喜歡的活動,莓洋洋草莓園是來墾丁的新選擇,但要注意季節性 Picking strawberries and enjoying fruit are always welcome among children. If you come at the right season, the “Maiyangyang” Strawberrey Plantation is a good choice. 位於恆春鎮周邊有一間有趣的園區,叫做鹿境,可以餵食梅花鹿,有很多紀念品可以選購,也有專人講解梅花鹿的習性,對於小朋友來說相當適合又有教育意義 In the “Paradise of Deer” you can feed and touch the deer, buy souvenirs, and learn about the Formosan sika deer. It is a good place for children. 白砂灣是一個美麗的海灘,適合小朋友來這裡玩玩沙和游泳,對大人來說也會是一個很不錯的地方 Baisah (White Sand Bay) has a beautiful beach. Both adults and children love to play in the sand and swim. 貓鼻頭公園離白砂灣很近,玩過沙灘以後可以過來走一走,找一找哪顆石頭像貓咪,但要多發揮一些想像力喔 Maobitou Park is near the White Sand Bay. You can stop by and search for the rock that closely resembles a cat. 逛完也差不多可以吃晚餐囉,帶著小朋友到熱鬧的墾丁大街逛夜市吃小吃吧 It is time for dinner! Take your children to the busy Kenting Road and have fun at the night market! -------------------------------------------------- DAY2 南灣>鵝鑾鼻公園>龍磐公園>港口吊橋 South Beach>Eluanbi Park>Longpan Park>Gangkou Suspension Bridge 第二天一大早就殺到沙灘來吧,車程距離恆春大概10分鐘而已,大人小孩可以瘋狂玩水上活動在海上奔馳(活動詳情) Enjoy the beach in the early morning! South Beach is only a ten minute drive from Hengchun. You can play in the sea and have fun doing water activities. 鵝鑾鼻公園是一座歷史悠久的燈塔,有很多故事在裡面,帶著小朋友繞一圈,看看裡面的解說牌說明燈塔歷史,還有豐富的植物也有小牌子介紹喔,適合帶小朋友來學習 →立刻訂房 ‧ 為自己來一趟墾丁之旅吧~ The lighthouse in Eluanbi Park has a long history. There are many stories here. It is good to come with children, look around, and learn about the lighthouse and the plants in the park.→Book a room now, and plan a trip to Kenting for yourself. 恆春半島第一名海景在這,龍磐公園擁有最遼闊的海景視野,懸崖邊的說明牌子也會解說崩崖地形的由來 The greatest sea scenery is in Longpan Park. It has the widest view of sea, as well as the terrain of slumping cliffs. 回恆春鎮的路上會經過一個漂亮的港口吊橋,可以上來走一走風景也不錯,橋下還有獨木舟可以玩 On your way back to Hengchun, you will pass the beautiful Gangkou Suspension Bridge. Take a walk on the bridge, and enjoy the scenery. There are also canoes here. -------------------------------------------------- DAY3 卡丁車>哈利波特陸上活動>浮潛 Mini racing car>”Harry Potter” land activities>Snorkeling 第三天來點不一樣的吧,小賽車絕對大人小孩都愛玩,享受迷你競速的快感,安全又刺激 Let's do something new on the third day. Mini Racing Car is attractive to both kids and adults. It is safe and exciting. 哈利波特有很多陸上活動,水球,草地飛球等等的都可以體驗,挑自己想玩的 At “Harry Potter,” there are many land activities, including Water Ball and, Meadow Flying Ball., etc. Pick what you like. 浮潛也是非常棒的休閒活動,被教練帶領著看海下風光,和可愛的魚群 Snorkeling is also great. The coach will guide you in browsing the submarine scenery, including shoals of fish. -------------------------------------------------- 有這麼多有趣的體驗,絕對夠大人小孩無冷場的玩上三天兩夜,可以再依照自己的喜好和時間自行調整喔,另外恆春半島也有許多生態導覽相關的體驗也很適合小朋友邊玩邊學習,可以參考深度旅遊五天四夜這篇喔 !! There are so many fun activities in this itinerary. Just adjust according to your preferences and situation. In addition, you may add some activities related to ecology, which are also suitable for children (see Five-day In-depth Trip). →立刻訂房 ‧ 為自己來一趟墾丁之旅吧~ →Book a room now, and plan a trip to Kenting for yourself.