Maintaining its role as an industry pioneer, Mono Machines LLCcontinues to embraced the potential of technological innovation, andhas created a unique e-commerce platform that is unmatched in theindustry. We are staffed withhighly knowledgeable employees and look forward to meeting your needs. With a constant focus on the unique challenges of an "older"office machines industry, Cable Strippers Factory Mono Machines LLC leverages these newtechnologies to expedite the industry's transition into the 21stcentury. An expandingproduct offering and deeper penetration into the government markets hasspurned this growth which is on-pace to continue in 2010. Mono Machines is classified as a disadvantagedminority owned business and holds a GSA contract with the federalgovernment. In the face of a depressed economy, Mono Machine LLC hascontinued to grow 100% year-over-year since its inception. Through our uniquecontracts we are able to ship directly from the manufacturer warehouse,cutting costs and delivering the LOWEST PRICES around.S.Highly trained customer service staff and state of the arttechnologies have made Mono Machines a preferred vendor for manyfederal and local government agencies as well as schools, churches andfortune 500 companies.We have product specialists available for most products.0000Warranty 1 Year Limited Warranty Length (Inches) 24.75 lbs Expected Ship Date 1-3 Days Weight 0.We strive to provide the best service at the lowest possible price.Located in the hustle and bustle of New York City, Mono Machines LLCis an authorized reseller for many manufacturers.75" Quantity (perpack) 1 Compatible Cutters Intimus PL21 Semi-Automatic Electric PaperCutter, Intimus PL212 Automatic Electric Paper Cutter, and IntimusPL215 Fully Automatic Programmable CutterMartin Yale Industries is a US manufacturer of office and mailroomequipment designed to make work life more productive and secure.A Manuf Part # IntM-O210031 Model M-O210031Shipping Weight 14. .Quick Overview * Intimus M-O210031 Blade for 21" PowerLine CuttersAdditional Information M-O210031 Blade 21" PowerLine CuttersManufactured In: U.The Intimus M-O210031 Blade 21". Please call uswith any questions or concerns that you may have.Founded in 1940, Martin Yale has over 68 years of experience designing,engineering, and manufacturing quality products for the office