The major considerations are...TYPE OF MACHINES, PRICE, SPACE, PLAYER AGEType of Machines:"Real Ball" Throwing Machines: Real Ball category are those machines which throw real balls or machine pitch dimple balls (you've seen them in yellow or white at the commercial batting cages). Incidentally, both types of baseballs weigh 5 oz.These machines come in two major categories plus a new category that we'll discuss shortly. The categories are:-Wheel Machines-Arm Style Machines-Compressed Air MachinesGenerally, all require a batting cage (there are a few exceptions), most can be purchased with auto-feeders and remote controls for one player operation.Wheel Style Pitching Machines - (One & Two Wheel Models)These are the most popular types and are seen in backyards, machine-pitch leagues, high schools, colleges and in pro ball. They consist of a rubber wheel(s), a motor to propel the wheel(s), electronics with speed and direction adjustment knobs and a steel frame attached to a tripod. All run on 110v current though many fields without power will use a generator. Most can be purchased for baseball only, softball only or in a combination package for multi sport use. Wheel Machines:Just what the name implies, these entry-level machines generally throw a straight pitch between approximately 25-70+ MPH.Cost ranges from just over $900. and up.