The turbo actuator needs to be calibrated to the turbo, The only way to do this is with the Cummins Insite program. Do not install actuator on turbo without calibration, it can/will damage both turbo and actuator. The actuator should be replaced if there was a turbo failure. If you don't replace the actuator it could fail sooner than you would like. ISX actuators are separate from the turbo. You will only get a Turbo without the actuator when you buy a RX turbo. Once in Insite you go to ecm tests and find calibrate actuator. Follow on screen directions. Pretty much plug in actuator and start the off turbo calibration, if it passes install the actuator on to turbo and finish test, If both test pass the actuator is calibrated properly, If not the entire procedure must be done again. Calibration instructions: Within the INSITE™ electronic service tool screen labeled “VGT Electric Actuator Install and Calibrate”, locate the column labeled “Value” and left click on the down arrow. Select “CALIBRATE ACTUATOR”. INSITE™ electronic service tool “CALIBRATE ACTUATOR” command must only be run with the actuator mounted to the turbocharger. Follow the instruction on the screen in order to calibrate the turbocharger actuator to the turbocharger. INSITE™ electronic service tool will indicate when this step is complete. If INSITE™ electronic service tool status message indicates the procedure was stopped or failed, turn the keyswitch OFF for 30 seconds and key back ON. Then start over, beginning with the “INSTALL ACTUATOR” It is normal to have an active Fault Code 2387 at this point. Turn the keyswitch in the OFF position for 30 seconds. Then key ON and refresh the fault code screen. All turbocharger actuator fault codes should be inactive. Use INSITE™ electronic service tool to clear all fault codes. NOTE: Make sure all fault codes are inactive and cleared before adding coolant to the engine Sacer Cummins Actuator has finished its R&D and we are actively looking for customers. Get more: