I'm with you on the limits however, Jagex have made the transition to RuneScape Gold desert a bit smoother. It was a strange experience at the time I was first starting. It would be wonderful to have more rivers and so on with the canoe transport system. It would be extremely beneficial if the map were bigger.Karamja needs an overhaul. South of Brimhaven it appears to be a big square, not very realistic looking. I've never done Legends Quest, but it looks like the Kharazi jungle could be traveled from north-south in less than ten minutes.In the summer, I was reading a book set in England in the middle of the ages (around 1100). The characters had days of walking to get from one place to another. The majority of the period was spent in the wilderness where there was always danger from outlaws and bandits.The novel is fictional but I believe it mostly accurately depicts the the land between major towns. This feeling is not found in Runescape except for the Wilderness or the Kharidian Desert. They are both huge and risky, particularly for those who aren't experienced travellers. Additionally, they have little information.First, the lodestone network must be eliminated. For those who only need to walk once, it kills the thrill of 2007 RS Items exploration. Second, the size of clan camp must be reduced by at minimum 25 percent. It removed a significant (in size) forest and caused the Falador-Rimmington-Port Sarim area to become unrealistically joined together.