In this guide, we will be discussing how to pass the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Exam. We will cover what the exam covers, what you need to know to pass it, and some tips and tricks on studying for and taking the exam.What is the AZ-900 Exam?Microsoft has recently released a new certification exam, the AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals. This exam is intended for those new to Azure and covers the basics of this cloud platform. The exam is 60 questions long and has a passing score of 700 out of 1000.The topics covered by the AZ-900 exam include:Azure subscription and servicesCreating and managing Azure resourcesMonitoring and diagnosticssecure data solutions in AzureIf you're looking to prepare for the AZ-900 exam, you're in luck – Dumps4free has just what you need! Our comprehensive range of practice tests will help you become familiar with all the topics covered on the exam. And if you ever get stuck, our expert team is here to help! How to Prepare for the AZ-900 Exam?Dumps4free is the ultimate source of preparing for the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 exam. The website provides PDF dumps of the latest actual questions and answers from the exam. In addition, users can take the az 900 practice test pdf to understand better the exam pattern and types of questions asked in the real exam.The Structure of the AZ-900 Exam:The AZ-900 exam is a 90-minute, 70-question assessment that covers the key topics in Microsoft Azure. To pass the exam, you must achieve a score of at least 700 points out of 1000. The questions on the exam are multiple-choice and are randomly generated from a pool of questions.The exam is divided into five main sections: Cloud Concepts, Security & Identity, Compute, Storage & Data Services, and Networking. Within each section, there are several subtopics that you will be tested on. For example, the Cloud Concepts section includes virtual machines (VMs), storage accounts, networking concepts, and more.The best way to prepare for the AZ-900 exam is to become familiar with the content in the five sections mentioned above. You can do this by studying Microsoft's Azure documentation or taking practice exams like Dumps4free's AZ-900 practice test pdf.Registering for and Taking the AZ-900 Exam:To take the AZ-900 exam, you must be registered with Pearson VUE. You can register for the exam on the Pearson VUE website. Once registered, you will receive an Authorization to Test (ATT) email from Microsoft. This email will give you instructions on scheduling your exam with Pearson VUE.Retaking the AZ-900 Exam:If you're planning to retake the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 exam, you can do a few things to increase your chances of success. First, understand the exam objectives and study the material thoroughly. Second, take practice tests to familiarize yourself with the format and question types. Dumps4free can help with that! We offer a free AZ-900 practice test that simulates the real exam experience. With our test engine, you can customize your practice sessions to focus on specific topics and gauge your progress. Our questions are based on the latest official Microsoft documentation, so you can be confident that you're studying authentic content. Ready to get started? Visit Dumps4free today!What if I Fail the AZ-900 Exam?Don't worry if you don't pass the AZ-900 exam on your first try. Dumps4free has all the resources you need to improve your score and get certified. We offer an extensive range of practice tests and Microsoft Azure certification study guides to help you prepare for the exam. Plus, we have a team of experts who are always available to answer any questions you may have. So don't let one failed attempt keep you from achieving your goal of becoming a Microsoft Azure Certified Professional. Visit Dumps4free today and start preparing for the AZ-900 exam!After Passing the AZ-900 Exam, What Next?Congratulations on passing the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 exam! Your hard work has paid off, and now you are ready to take your career to the next level. What should you do next? There are a few things that you can do to maximize the benefits of your new certification.First, make sure that you update your resume and include your new certification. Next, start looking for jobs that match your skillset. Finally, continue learning about Azure and cloud computing to maintain your certification and stay ahead of the curve.Frequently Asked Questions about the AZ-900 Exam:Looking to pass the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 exam? Look no further; this guide has everything you need to know! This guide will answer some of the most commonly asked questions about the exam.What is the format of the AZ-900 exam?The AZ-900 exam is a multiple-choice, scenario-based test. You will be given a scenario and 4 possible solutions. You will need to choose the best solution for the given scenario.What are the prerequisites for taking the AZ-900 exam?There are no prerequisites for taking the AZ-900 exam. However, it is recommended that you have some experience with Azure before taking the exam.What is the passing score for the AZ-900 Exam?You must answer 70% of the questions correctly to pass the AZ-900 Exam.Benefits Of Passing AZ-900 Exam:Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 certification is becoming more important in the present job market. The certification proves that you have the required skills and knowledge to manage cloud services from Microsoft Azure. Not only this, but you can also get many benefits if you pass the AZ-900 exam. Some of these benefits are discussed below.Some Benefits Of Passing the AZ-900 Exam Includes:The first and most obvious benefit of passing the AZ-900 exam is being certified as an Azure Fundamentals Specialist. This will add value to your resume and make it stand out.With a Microsoft Azure Fundamentals certification, you will be able to demonstrate your expertise in managing cloud services from Microsoft Azure.You will be able to improve your career prospects by getting hired by top companies looking for skilled professionals in cloud computing.A Microsoft Azure Fundamentals certification can help you move up in your current organization by showing that you have the required skills and knowledge for handling cloud services.ConclusionAZ-900 exam is an important milestone in your career, and passing it demonstrates your expertise in Microsoft Azure technology. The Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Exam is intended for administrators new to Azure who wants to validate their skills. This blog post has shared some tips that will help you pass the exam. Follow these tips, and you will be able to pass the AZ-900 exam with ease.