All the problems that any individual has in their lives can be found to have roots in what are called "false beliefs". These can be false beliefs about themselves, about other beliefs, about emotions they may harbor or entertain, about others, and about their reality. Such beliefs form and get stored in one's consciousness throughout the course of one's life. They often are never questioned and thereby are used to supposedly help that individual move through their life.It's only when one begins to run into difficulty that one may begin to realize that something is wrong. Some may turn to some form of psychotherapy to try and figure out what the problem is. Unfortunately most therapies are so embedded with many of the same false beliefs that they fail to provide the help needed. So how can one truly become free of the unhelpful beliefs that they may unknowingly be carrying?A new tool called the Mind Resonance Process(TM) (MRP) has been shown to readily uncover and release unhelpful false beliefs from one's consciousness and one's life simply and easily. The shift in one's state of being when this happens is often associated with some or all of the following experiences: a feeling of lightening (i.e. a sense of buoyancy and an inner sense of radiance), feelings of relief, feelings of joy and contentment, feelings of self confidence, self esteem and self confidence, feelings of grounded ness and feelings of being more present in one's physical body than ever before. In essence the shift is a spiritual one and what I term "becoming one's Divine Self".I offer a brief example here of how this works. Most individuals carry a belief that goes something like this: "The feeling of guilt is a necessary human emotion". Now I know that this may sound strange to some to be questioning such a belief because many would not consider it a "false belief" but please bear with me and perhaps some new insights might emerge for you.