"逆齡"是大家追求的東西,為了揭示這個奧秘, LRB Paris最新推出了【蜂后活細胞系列】,今次為大家介紹系列中的【蜂后活細胞面膜】。 "Reversing aging"is the thing that everyone desires. To reveal the secret of ageless skin, LRB Paris newly introduces Queen Bee R-Miracle Series featuring the【 Queen Bee Renewal Overnight Mask】. 【蜂后活細胞面膜】內含的「凍齡蛋白酚肽」、「皇裔胺基酸」,並加入逆齡肽ProgelineTM及基因修復因子CRL™ PF等細胞活生元素,發揮青春重塑效果! The【Queen Bee Renewal Overnight Mask】combines the Royal Epigen P5, Progeline™ and CRL™ PF. to bring you youthful skin, 面膜呈白色,其質地絲般幼滑、水感滋潤,還帶有陣陣香氣。White moisture texture, creamy and silky, also with fragrant smell. 晚上完成護膚程序後,取適量均勻塗於面部及頸部。無需清洗可直接入睡。 After moisturizer, apply a thin layer onto face and neck. Leave on overnight. Use at night as the final step of your skin care ritual. 面膜的效果不錯,其吸收度快,用後皮膚變得水潤幼滑、膚色被均勻提亮、回復彈性! It is pretty effective.After using the mask,the skin looks brighter、smoother and hydrated, It absorbs very well and helps skin retain moisture. *溫馨小提示: 【蜂后活細胞面膜】不只限用於晚上,亦可當作日霜使用。 每晚使用更可達最佳效果呢! *Tips for you: The mask can be also be used as a day cream and used at day not only at night. And for best results, it is recommended to use it every night. ▌Wesite : http://lrbparis.com/main/?lang=tc ▌Facebook fanpage : https://www.facebook.com/LRBParis/ *產品由該品牌提供 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥Follow Facebook: B.Yuetyuet ♥Follow ig : Byuetyuet ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 免責聲明:以上文章純屬筆者對於以上產品的個人感覺, 而效果乃因人而異, 如需協助或獲得更多產品資訊, 請直接聯絡該品牌查詢或∕和尋求相關專業意見。 歡迎合作聯絡合作,Event、產品、食品、穿搭分享: bduckyuet@yahoo.com.hk ❤ FB 、❤iG、❤Blogspot ❤ OpenRice ❤ the Ztyle、❤She.com、❤ WeShare ❤Elle.com ❤BE 、❤uBlog、❤ iMore 、❤beautyQooza ❤BL、❤Tryit、❤fnb ❤Salad 、❤ladyQooza