The fact that the pellets expand on steeping, it is recommended to use only 1-2 teaspoons of GUNPOWDER 3505 per 150ml of water. While tea enthusiasts around the world go for different brewing methods, the simplest way to make this tea is to brew it in the cup with hot water poured from a temperature-controlled teapot. STEPS 1.To begin the preparation, choose tight, small, shiny pellets of the tea leaves. Next, place one teaspoon of leaves in a preheated cup. 2.Let the water heat to 160 degrees Fahrenheit, further pouring 4-5 ounces of water over the leaves. 3.Allow the tea leaves to steep for about 2-3 minutes, further straining all the loose tea leaves before consuming the blend. Some people prepare a great version of gunpowder 3505 tea, i.e. the Moroccan mint tea. Worked up by adding sugar and mint to gunpowder 3505 tea after the brewing process is complete, this version comes with a light and refreshing flavor.