You don’t have to send all your employees on long training sessions to pick up the skills needed to positively impact your, Trip Advisor and Beats by Dre are also proud users of DiSC assessment as well. DiSC assessment is used by companies around the world. In this sense DiSC is good for employee relations, and as such for the company itself. Seventy percent of the USA’s Fortune 500 companies are clients of, or have used DiSC assessment in the past. From there they are given the tools and skills to better communicate with people based on their own category, and that of the person they are interacting with. This is what makes DiSC so widely used throughout the world. Plenty of growing companies in growing industries such as Laterooms. An employee who can read the signs of the person they are talking to is more likely to create a successful working relationship with them. It’s an impressive amount of clients, in many different areas of business leading to the question; should my business invest in DiSC assessment? Here are three reasons why you should! It’s good for employee relations What DiSC assessment actually does is it teaches your employees about personality types and how to interact with people more effectively based on these types. It’s cheap Maybe the best thing about DiSC though is how inexpensive it is to implement in your business. Putting a customer at ease and getting him to buy your product Drum brake Manufacturers requires a fine touch; something DiSC can help employees to refine so that they always get the sale they need, from the customer they have become friendly with. This knowledge can create huge improvements in working relationships and as such have a profound effect on your company. DiSC can also help to improve sales figures because it gives employees an extra tool with which to understand and communicate with clients. This person then becomes your point man in all things DiSC related; setting his own meetings for explanation of DiSC to your other employees, and becoming your key cog in making sure company communication level increases. All three reasons together make for a persuasive argument for why your company should be the next to try DiSC assessment. . You only need one person, who becomes a DiSC trainer after vigorous training with DiSC assessment staff. Team meetings may become less conflict filled, employees may work together more easily and successfully, and as such efficiency and output can also improve as communication levels do. Employees learn about the four different personality types that everyone fits into; Dominance, Inducement, Submission and Compliance, as well as the typical characteristics of each. And finally it’s cheap to implement, meaning any and all companies can use it. It’s good for sales For many of the same reasons that DiSC is good for inter employee relations, it is also good for employee- customer relations. Understanding the key concepts of the assessment will mean your employees get on with one another better; eliminating conflict from the workplace and improving efficiency as a result