b. Do the research! There are so many work at home opportunities out on the web jumping at you, that it is crucial to do the research on anyone that interests you. This will take some of your time, but will make the difference between a successful opportunity and a wasted investment. With a little research you will be able to spot scams immediately and also legitimate opportunities. Even by searching things that interest you, such as hobbies, you can find the perfect work at home opportunity for you. c. Choose your field. After doing the research you should have a list of niche markets that interest you. For instance, if you are a fan of music, you can sell other companies music goods through their affiliate programs and earn income without ever seeing a product yourself. This is just a broad idea through music, but through niche affiliate marketing you can even earn thousands of dollars a day without every seeing a product or holding stock yourself. When you have found your niche, you need to really know its ins and outs. What are other companies/people doing in this online market? How are they making money? What can I learn from others? Some important questions you'll need to ponder. The answer lies in these comopanies websites. Sign up for their newsletters, read their content, see what is happening in your market so that you can either improve and replicate, or find what is missing in the niche and offer something new to the online world. d. Set goals and stick to them! This is an extremely important part of any work from home business. Create a business plan for yourself, it will force you to ask and answer some difficult questions that will boost your business as a whole. Create a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly goals; this will always keep you focused on the big picture that is ultimately the success of your home business. Also, set realistic income goals that will keep your "eye on the prize". Goals can always be changed and usually do, but by setting some basic points to focus on, you can really gauge what you are capable of and what needs to be accomplished. Finally, do your taxes! This may seem like the least of your worries in the beggining, but as you begin to make income you will need to file with the IRS as any other business. Go to your local government buildings, have your home business properly registered and fill all the forms required from you by the government. There is a plus to this, you can write off business expenses! Money spent on your business is not taxed the same as personal expenses. Did you buy a computer for your work from home business? Plane tickets? A Desk? Printer? Fax machine? etc. Well if so, Write It Off ! Stay focused on your goals and always stay true to yourself. Do the research, do the planning, answer the difficult questions and you will succeed!