Sleeping is a vital activity of the living beings. It is not only the humans who perform this activity, but each and every living being do performs it at some time of the day. This is the activity that helps in stabilizing the organs and cells of the body and then refreshes them to perform again with full power after rest phase gets over. We, the human beings, are slaves of habits. And from the advancement of lifestyles, human beings have learned to perform the activity of sleeping in a comfortable manner. At least they try to perform it in such a manner. Lying simply on a naked ground is not a favorable circumstance for them to enjoy. Hence, they invented different types of beds and mattresses over which they can lay their body to rest and enjoy quality hours of sleeping. Foam mattresses are one of the bedding toppers that came to the market to make the humans enjoy further comfort while performing the sleeping activity. Although these helped in providing the necessary comfort, but after using them for a constant basis, the body slowly started to catch up on some strange pains which are rather unwanted. These pains continue to remain for a longer period of time and as a result it started to create quite an irritating situation. Then, a special type of bedding topper, memory foam mattresses, came into the market. These items slowly started to gain positive response as the users don't started to catch up on pains while using it for prolonged period of times. Moreover, those who are facing up with knee or joint pains, face up immense Custom Composites relief while using these items for sleeping and resting purpose. As a result, these items became a popular choice among the buyers and the popularity is still very much prevalent till date.