With all my due respect, Path of Exile Community is dying now! And there will be no more new players for this game. Meanwhile, the old players will leave the community in the following days, and people would not believe there are still some reasons to play PoE, they just abandon the game. We've hype and dreams at the beginning of every new patch or league also it gradually dies out 3-4 days later to some small core of the couple of 1000 diehard gamers. Before I use a diatribe, I'll warn you I'm a casual and I haven't got a max level toon yet. I have been playing PoE on / off during the last 3 years. I am an enthusiastic RPG gamer and that I want POE to obtain better and be an excellent game to the kind of Lineage II, Dota 2 etc...Here's some suggestion. You can incorporate your own additions to it. Do not roast/white-colored dark night so difficult thanks. Anyways because the community is dying, why don't you entertain this hardcore community with "real" mmog slice of existence or occasions that can make people love the sport rather of resurrecting a defunct zombie every patch? Even your most loyal YTer like ZiggyD is playing other GAMES wtf? Let us face the facts please GGG steer clear of the Zip & Zag D3 insta-die zombie mechanics. the zippyD chu train diablo 3 roll dice mechanics, seriously stop it! The classic 1 hit or I die mechanics. Take games like C9 or any other mmog where u *Need to evade some attacks. Just getting a personality zip through maps and mobs dying is not really what roguelike game was about. Return to your roots like Neverwinter Nights and Baldur's Gate. Troll builds such as the "jump" on attack build and also the 50 million projectile on attack build seriously cannot be meta. Or that permafrost frostwall fighter in pvp. Something I've used the 3.0 era patch may be the publish damage calculation mechanics. Nobody likes you getting minute "increases" any longer or perhaps weapon nodes when 'MORE' is much better. Seriously nobody worries about increase nodes any longer. Everyone is coming up with 3 real classes in POE. The 10K, dps Fat tank or even the 10k DPS 2k hp glass cannon. You cannot have both! Again I am generalizing here however, you understand! There's "No late game" for us noobly casual whom will most likely beat cruel lab but will not get pass tier 15 maps... Seriously level 100 cap isn't good, there must be uncapped levels like Maplestory etc...pressure PvP exp increase like other MMO with leaderboards or *incentives. Imagine if you're able to only get EXP, increase pass level 88 by PVPing. Also, what's track of that league like "solo self-found" seriously WTF, No Man's Sky level wealthy man's glass castle WTF. This can be a multi-player game, not electronic poker, Stephen Paddock. Sure mapping is fun the very first 100 maps. Shaper, Azitri ubber lab sure. Why no more. Provide us with an endless infinite dungeon or bigger open worlds. Late game PK maps to Clan based boss fights like wow/lineage 2 etc.. Have custom event week of "endless wave map" event map like, "tower defense" or PVP capture the flag/king from the hill occasions with prizes. Let us face the facts "Useless uniques" it is the cancer of the game. My own mail they and they are now being a pedo for 1 adults in game. Seriously 60% of the uniques are simply useless and serve no purpose but leveling gear. Only lab enchantment is the saving light. Providing them with "scaling" mechanics or attributes or "growing stats/value" with time with usage or something like that. Rather of collecting dusk within the Obsessive-compulsive disorder gamer's chest. Something may be the last functions is simply too easy. In the 10 Day races. In my opinion finish game ought to be only full of "rogue" exiles pass act 7 onwards with a few sparse elite minions like individuals from the Daresso map area. Does not make story sense to possess level 67 skeletons that die to at least one hit etc.. also known as Stupid bots late game. Every monster pass level 50 must be invasion bosses or elite exile. Just getting filler monsters for sake from the level to fill the exp bar just really boggles my thoughts. Let us discuss the In-versatility of the present passive tree or even the current meta. 50-80% of times now it's to seize the Marauder & Duelist beginning nodes like the "warrior's Bloodstream" & "Heart of Warrior" nodes and also the "Master from the Arena" & "Bravery" nodes if you are at the bottom area. It is simply far too efficient. Non-spellcasters rarely even venture on the northern HP nodes when compared with previous patches like 2. or 1. when individuals would travel throughout for HP nodes. For example, take no logical marauder or duelist is ever going to get "Wholesomeness of Flesh" or "Designed in Bloodstream" hp bonuses. If you would like individuals to play you gotta have more Wow/Lineage II/Mmog rare/weekly special bosses/maps... Encourages individuals to play like "steampunk hat week" or some crap. Or perhaps a rare unique running only now occasions! more special occasions rather of just races! People rather come and play for occasions like "Halloween" or "Christmas" occasions than say "new" patch or X race or Y race. I believe the perfect game might have 5 spells. Two offensive spells, two defensive, and 1 passive/aura. Or any other "class" specific spell. At this time there is nothing to distinguish classes before the "ascension classes" and also the different stat gains. At this time every character you have to carry 1 "passive" damage aura and 1 herald... Not implementing them you are losing a lot DPS, there must be an added bonus for those who don't run them instead of not. Same goes for golems and minions. In this way kind of such as the armorless "300" must have some movement or evasion bonus because of not putting on chest armor or some crap. Just my two cents with that. Also, enhance the "rare" flask. Unique flask really isn't enough! Thank you for lowering the level gap exp gain. Yes, it was annoying as hell to experience having a friend and find out him/her gradually get less exp the further we play, before you are just like 5 level apart. I understand everyone did a significant job in lessening the space when compared with 2. etc.. But yea it requires more. Players greater than 3 levels still suffer a great deal. But visiting a 2 level greater ally peel off to 3, 4 levels greater in a day is simply really frustrating. Getting buddies having a 10 gap hesitant to play together is actually strange IMO. Let us discuss hideout, allow players to possess trophies or also known as "player remove only item" hideout, caves and armory rooms rather of the infinite room chest and "pimp my hideout" sim cards cave. Imagine traveling to a man with all of his MAX roll glass in-cased 50 exalt helmet displayed! Finally, allow players to put on gear beneath the chest armor. Like a Tabula or t-shirt/lingerie etc.. May as well provide us with "wing" slot after act 5 and crown slot too after act 10. Lastly although not least! Help make your own POE crypto-gold coin according to exalt drop. The POE Exalt drop is dependant on third-party prices. Bitcoin may be the "evidence of concept" of labor. In this way exalt drops might be our POEcoin using the tiniest path of exile currency to be the lovely scroll parchment. The only x is generated by gamers and is exchanged as "money" or currency for MTX or third party things like mugs, tees, and hats! Think guys you may be the following iota or ripple or dogecoin! It may be the crypto-currency utilized by gamers for gamers!