香港人出名夠晒勤力,每日都做到冇停手,為生活併博而令到身心俱疲是常識吧! 工作時間長換來只有周身骨痛,怎至患上咗職業病咁就得不償失啦! 適當嘅時候梗係要去鬆一鬆啦! 身為「按摩精」嘅我,最近就搵到北角有間叫 Foot Spa Moment 足沐城, 就咁睇相都已經覺得環境好大、仲有包羅萬有嘅設施, 點可以唔預約試下係咪真係咁堅呢? 今次黎個全套足底按摩+泰式按摩 relax 下,嘆完就梗係要即刻同大家分享下啦~ Hong Kong people nowadays are super busy for their job, they are seldom to find a moment to stop and really have a getaway. I am really tired today because of work, and I decided to pamper myself and I found an 24 hours open spa in North Point, Foot Spa Moment. Today I’m gonna review two of their signature massages, which are Foot Reflexology Massage and Full Body Thai Massage. Let’s get it started! Foot Spa Moment 足沐城鄰近炮台山地鐵站, 係正地鐵站 B 出口對面,位置十分方便。 佔地萬呎豪華裝修,環境舒適寬敞,空間感十足, 仲提供多間獨立男女及 VIP 房間, 私隱度極高!而且仲要係二十四小時全天候營業, 無時無刻可以享受六星級嘅按摩體驗。 Foot Spa Moment is located in Kings Road, North Point, where is just two minutes’ walk from Fortress Hill Station. It provides a wide range of beauty services, which including professional massages, body treatments and more. I just couldn’t list them all! It also provides a 10,000 sq ft spacious all-in-one beauty spa and a wide range of VIP rooms, which have a high level of privacy. 首先黎個60分鐘嘅足底按摩先!每朝都會跑步嘅我,雙腳好容易酸軟疲累, Foot Spa Moment 嘅技師手勢不但專業純熟,而且力度岩岩好, 完全符合到我嘅要求。做完之後雙腳嘅肌肉都即時得到放鬆, 步伐仲變得輕盈添!之後再整多個全身泰式按摩 60分鐘, 經常有肩頸同腰背痛嘅我就最需要啦!技師嘅手法真係無得彈呀! 沈重嘅身驅好快就得以放鬆,仲舒服到唔小心睡著咗 I have the habit to run every morning so often my legs get sore easily. The masseuse was very experienced and she treated me with the just right strength at my sore acupuncture points. At last, I enjoyed the whole body massage so much I have fallen asleep during the treatment because my sore and heavy body has been relieved. 北角 Foot Spa Moment 足沐城唔單止係一間專業按摩店, 仲提供各種美容服務,包括全身護理、美甲等,簡直就係一站式搞掂晒!港 島人又多個舒壓輕鬆嘅好地方。 Foot Spa Moment is located near the central Hub of North Point and it is a one stop Health and Beauty Centre. Apart from providing massage service, it also has body treatment and Nail spa. People from Hong Kong island have got another good spot to hang out. Foot Spa Moment 沐足城 地址:北角英皇道177-191號利都樓地庫 Address: B/F, Rialto Mansion, 177-191 Kings Road, North Point 正午12pm - 晚上12am Opening Hours: 12pm to 12am (24 hours Open) #FootSpaMoment #沐足城 #傳統正宗按摩服務 #一站式的健康美容中心 #BodyMassage #Health #Treatment #Beauty #Annielittlecake 任何 合作試用 / 邀稿 / 出席活動 / 主持 / 化妝 歡迎聯絡Annielittlecake, ========== 想即時知道 Annielittlecake 動態, 請 Like Facebook Annielittlecake Facebook | Instagram | 小红书 | 個人網站 | beautyexchange | talk | sheblog | theztyle | elle |