簡單料理食譜 | 烤肉米漢堡食譜 Simple Food Recipe | Bulgogi Rice Burger Recipe 간단한요리레시피 | 불고기 라이스 버거有時候想吃簡單一點,但是又很想吃到米飯,米漢堡會是個很好的選擇。看似輕食,卻可以很有飽足感的一餐。⇓♥收藏完整影音食譜Check Complete Food Recipe Video韓文食物名稱Korean Food Name:中文: 烤肉英文: grill meat韓文: 불고기韓文發音:【bulgogi】中文: 漢堡英文: burger韓文: 버거韓文發音:【burger】Sometimes I want to eat simple, but I also want to eat rice. Rice burger is a good choice. Looks like a light meal, but can be a full meal.For those who love food and enjoy eating, welcome to subscribe "and 그리고 YouTube Channel".