金針菇炒雞肉(韓式作法)Stir Fried Chicken with Enoki Mushroom팽이버섯 치킨 볶음【paengibeoseos chikin bokkeum】金針菇在天然的食物界中有個很厲害的美名,被稱為「超級保健食品」。金針菇中的纖維素具有「降低膽固醇」的作用,同時還能預防和「治療肝臟系統」及「腸胃道潰瘍」。補腦抗癌、降三高、減肥吃它就對了! 媽媽們,應該會很愛下面這一點,金針菇又稱作「增智菇」,對兒童智力增長有幫助。人妻最愛從天然的食物補充營養素,這麼棒的食材,怎能錯過呢?!今天我們就用非常健康,又超級便宜的金針菇來做樸素,卻驚人的美味料理。健康知識資料參考: 健康新視界 ⇓♥收藏完整影音食譜Check Complete Food Recipe Video 韓文食物名稱Korean Food Name: 中文: 金針菇 英文: enoki mushroom 韓文: 팽이버섯 韓文發音:【paengibeoseos】 中文: 雞胸肉 英文: chicken breast 韓文: 닭가슴살 韓文發音:【dalggaseumsal】 Enoki mushroom has a very good name in the natural food industry and is called "super health food".The cellulose in enoki mushroom has the function of "lowering cholesterol”, can also prevent "treat the liver system" and "gastrointestinal ulcer".It's good to eat it for reinforcing the brain and fighting cancer, lowering the three highs, and losing weight.Moms will love the following point, enoki mushrooms are also called "increase wisdom mushroom", which will help children's intellectual growth. I love to supplement nutrients from natural foods.How can I miss such awesome ingredients?!Today, we use very healthy and super cheap enoki mushrooms to make simple but amazingly delicious dishes.Health Knowledge Reference: Healthy new viewpointsFor those who love food and enjoy eating, welcome to subscribe "and 그리고 YouTube Channel".