麻藥飯捲食譜 Mayak Kimbap Recipe 마약김밥 【Mayak Kimbap】⇓♥人妻日常煮食影片 簡易完整食譜 偶爾+吃播(歡迎一起用餐)韓國人氣熱門街頭美食「麻藥飯捲」,做法無敵簡單,又非常好吃。廣藏市場知名的「麻藥飯捲」,名字的意思是如同麻藥一般,吃一口就會上癮,好吃的讓你無法停下來。^^♥我家沒有專門包飯捲的海苔,人妻使用的是家裡的一般海苔,不需要另外烤或是剪,只要準備好內餡,就可以開始做「麻藥飯捲」。非常適合和老公小孩一起DIY,在家做飯也可以成為很棒的親子活動時間。♥韓文食物名稱Korean Food Name:中文: 麻藥英文: opium韓文: 마약韓文發音: 【mayak】中文: 飯捲英文: rice roll韓文: 김밥韓文發音: 【kimbap】中文: 白飯英文: rice韓文: 밥韓文發音:【bap】 The popular street food in Korea, "Mayak Kimbap," is incredibly simple to make and amazing delicious.The well-known "Mayak Kimbap" in Kwangjang Sijang which means something like opium, one bite is addictive, so delicious that you can't stop.^^♥I don't have special seaweed for "kimbap" at home and I only use the normal seaweed, no need to bake or cut it.As long as the filling is ready, you can start making “Mayak Kimbap”.It is very suitable for DIY with husband and children.Cooking at home can also be a great parent-child activity time.♥For those who love food and enjoy eating, welcome to subscribe "and 그리고 YouTube Channel".