為揭示逆齡美肌的秘密, LRB Paris最新推出【蜂后活細胞面膜】, 透過肌膚修復成份,可釋放6R蜂后奇蹟力量。 To reveal the secret of ageless skin, LRB Paris newly launched 【Queen Bee Renewal Overnight Mask】, infused with potent age repairing ingredients, it can release 6 R-Miraculous Power. 面膜質地如絲柔滑、水潤快吸收; Overnight Mask is silky, smooth, nourishing, easily absorbed by skin; 晚上使用後,第二天肌膚能回復緊緻、 彈性、有光澤,彷如重生。 Next day my skin can restore firmness and elasticity, it let me reveal a younger and a new fresh look. 另外,這面膜亦可在日間作面霜使用。 要有最佳效果,建議每晚使用。 In addition, the mask can be also used as a day cream and used at day. For best results, it is recommended to use it every night. 參考資料:- LRB Website: http://www.lrbparis.com/ LRB Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LRBParis/ 產品試用及活動邀約: Email: amyng369@gmail.com (Amy Ng) 是次產品及有關資料由品牌提供。 本文章之全部內容均屬個人意見及感受。